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Writer's pictureAku Energija

Prehranski nasveti/ Dietary Advice

Updated: Feb 28, 2021

Prehranski nasveti

Z uvedbo prehranskih sprememb lahko pripomoremo k dolgoročnosti učinka akupunkture, zato vsem svojim pacientom na prvih konzultacijah svetujem, kako naj spremenijo svoje prehranske navade, da bodo dosegli maksimalen učinek. Slednje tudi redno spremljamo na nadaljnjih obravnavanjih.

Hrana je zdravje

Kitajci v svoje jedi že stoletja dodajajo določene sestavine, ki se jih prav tako uporablja v kitajski zeliščni medicini za izboljšanje zdravja. Hrana je zdravje. Zdravila ne predstavljajo skrbi za zdravje, predstavljajo skrb za bolezen. Teorija tradicionalne kitajske medicine poudarja, da bomo preživeli, če bomo imeli dovolj želodčne energije Qi, če po te energije ni dovolj, trpimo. Zdrav in delujoč želodčni sistem vodi v zdravo telo, saj želodec predstavlja vrata za sprejem in predelavo hrane, ki jo kasneje prenese v sistem vranice, kjer ga ta pretvori v energijo za potrebe telesa.

Kitajci se izogibajo hrane, ki bi poškodovala želodec. To so led, sladoled, solate in vse ostale hladne in surove jedi. Želodcu ugaja toplota za prebavo hrane, podobno kot deluje kompost. Pozimi se hrana na kompostu ne razkraja tako hitro in učinkovito kot poleti. Ko zaužijemo hladno hrano ali pijačo, želodec deluje na enak način. Naše telo potrebuje dodatno energijo za ponovno ogrevanje želodca, zato da lahko normalno funkcionira, čeprav je bila dodatna energija prvotno namenjena za nekaj drugega. To pomeni, da s tem ko poskrbimo za želodčni sistem, hkrati poskrbimo in ohranjamo lastno energijo.

Pri jedi potrebno upoštevati želodec

Večina ljudi je z očmi in usti, namesto da bi jedla z želodcem. Za dobro zdravje in plodnost/produktivnost bi morali jesti z usti in želodcem. Tako se zaradi hrane ne boste počutili slabo in ne boste imeli težav z zaprtjem. Zato tudi ni presenetljivo, da se je kitajska kuhinja razvila v smeri, kjer je dobra za usta in hkrati dobra za želodec. Naučiti se, katera hrana je lahka za želodec in lahko prebavljiva, je dolgotrajen proces, pa vendar so rezultati in nagrade neizmerne.

Ljudje bi morali jesti ob rednih časovnih intervalih ter zmerne količine. Ko imamo občutek, da smo 70 % siti, bi morali odnehati, saj prekomerno prehranjevanje prav tako povzroča dodatno porabo energije. Seveda je ravno tako pomembno, da si vzamemo dovolj časa za obrok ter da se po obroku malce spočijemo.


Dietary Advice

I give all my patients dietary advice during first consultation and have review from time to time. By adjusting your diet, the effects of acupuncture or herbal supplements are quicker and longer lasting.

Food is healthcare

The Chinese have for centuries added certain foods, which are also used in Chinese herbal medicine, into their cooking to improve their health. Food is healthcare. Medicine isn’t healthcare, it’s sick care. TCM theory emphasize that if we have the stomach Qi then we survive; or else we suffer if it is insufficient. A healthy and functioning stomach system leads to a healthy body because the stomach is the gate for accepting and processing food then later on pass on to the Spleen system to produce energy for the body’s needs.

The Chinese avoid foods that damage the stomach, such as ice, ice cream, salads and other cold, raw foods. The stomach likes to be warm for the digestion like a compost heap. A compost heap in winter doesn’t break down the substance as well as warmer days and the same situation go with the stomach when it’s cold. Our body needs to spend extra energy in reheating the stomach to undergo the normal functions and yet those extra energy are supposed to be used for some other purposes in the first place. Therefore, by protecting the stomach system, we are also preserving and enrich our precious and essential energy.

While eating, pay attention to your stomach

Most people eat with their eyes and their mouths rather than their stomachs. For good health and fertility you should eat with both your mouth and your stomach. That way, the food you eat will be the best for your body instead of weaken and congesting it. It’s no surprise that Chinese cuisine has evolved to be both good for the mouth and the stomach. Learning what food is easy for your stomach to digest is a learning process and will take time, but the rewards are huge.

You should eat at regular times and reasonable amount. A 70% fullness will be enough because overeating will also expense extra energy. It is also important to allow enough time to eat your meal and have a little rest after meals.

[Photo source: internet]



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