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Diagnostika jezika/ Tongue Diagnostics

Writer's picture: Aku EnergijaAku Energija

Updated: Feb 28, 2021

Pred pregledom jezika se izogibajte kislih kumaric, kajenskega popra, karija in na splošno vse hrane, ki ima močno barvo, saj bodo začasno obarvale jezik. Zjutraj si ne očistite jezika, saj bo tako prikazan v realnem stanju.

Na jeziku je mogoče videti in razbrati veliko informacij o telesu, in sicer na podlagi barve, oblike, teksture mišice (jezika) in obloge na jeziku. Normalen jezik bi moral biti rožnat s tanko belo oblogo na zgornji strani, vlažen in zmerne velikosti.

Na splošno lahko razdelimo jezik na tri različne dele: zgornji del, srednji del in spodnji del. Prva tretjina jezika (vrh jezika) prikazuje, kaj se dogaja s srcem in v predelu pljuč. Srednji del jezika predstavlja delovanje želodca in vranice. Zadnji del jezika pa prikazuje delovanje mehurja in ledvic, medtem ko je delovanje žolča in jeter prikazano ob straneh jezika.


Tongue diagnostic

Before examining the tongue for diagnosis, please avoid pickles, cayenne pepper, curry and other food with strong colour. They will temporarily dye the tongue. Do not clean your tongue in the morning. By doing all these, the tongue is looking accurately as it is.

Our tongue reflects much information about our body, from the colour, shape, muscle texture, to the coating of the tongue. A normal tongue should be pink and with thin white coating with a little bit of moisture and a moderate size.

In general the tongue is divided into three regions: upper, middle and lower: The first third of the tongue (tip of the tongue) indicates what is happening in the heart and lung systems; The middle third of the tongue is related to the stomach and spleen system; The back third of the tongue is related to the bladder, kidneys systems; The liver and gallbladder system are on the sides of the tongue.

[Photo source: internet]

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