I Ching/I Ching ali Knjiga sprememb je morda najstarejša knjiga na zemlji; zagotovo je eden naših največjih zakladov modrosti. I Ching nas uči o življenju in o tem, kako živeti. Je stalno vodilo, ki ga lahko najdemo kjer koli, če ga le dejavno iščemo. Je preprosta, a modra, starodavna in brezčasna. Kot je dejal Konfucij, lahko z upoštevanjem nasvetov iz knjige in njenim nenehnim preučevanjem dosežemo ustvarjalno zavest v vsaki situaciji.

I Ching je nastal v dinastiji Zhou (med 10. in 4. stoletjem pred našim štetjem). Starodavna knjiga je študija o spremembah v vesolju. Prepričanje je, da bo razumevanje vzorca in cikla sprememb človeka pripravilo na prihodnje dogodke in mu pomagalo pri sprejemanju pravilnih odločitev. Že več kot 5000 let I-Ching uporabljajo številni Kitajci in se nanj zanašajo, saj jim pomaga pri sprejemanju odločitev in napovedovanju prihodnosti. Odgovore ali napovedi prihodnjih dogodkov razkriva z uporabo numerološkega sistema, ki temelji na jinu in jangu. Jin in jang sta polarizacijski sili, vendar sta pomembni za ohranjanje ravnovesja v vesolju. Jin predstavlja prekinjeno črto, jang pa celo črto. in nato s tem simbolom jin in jang ustvarimo številne kompozicije.
V življenju nenehno doživljamo pomembne spremembe, takšne ali drugačne. Bistvo vsega, kar počnemo v svetu, življenju ali medicini, so spremembe. I Ching predstavlja sistem kozmologije, ki se nanaša na spremembe v svetu okoli nas, in postavlja temelje za filozofske ideje kitajske kulture, zlasti v zvezi s kitajsko medicino (jin in jang, 5 faz in narava qi; faze življenja po Konfuciju). Po vsebini sta jin in jang sestavljena iz osmih načel obstoja (trigramov), teh osem načel pa tvori 64 heksagramov, ki se uporabljajo za vodenje in usmerjanje spreminjajočega se sveta.
I Ching se zelo pogosto uporablja za vedeževanje. Toda, kot sta me naučila moj mentor in veliki mentor, če ga dovolj dobro preučimo, že vemo, kaj moramo storiti v vsakem obdobju svojega življenja, in zato ne potrebujemo vedeževanja.
Na tej povezavi (I Ching explanation) je naštetih vseh 64 heksagramov, ki predstavljajo pravzaprav vse možne življenjske situacije. Zdaj na primer doživljamo čuden čas, ko je prav narobe in narobe prav. Pravimo, da se tu skriva prava svetloba. To bi lahko razložili s tem heksagramom:
Ming Yi :明夷
Simbol Zemlje in simbol Svetlobe, ki vstopa v njeno sredino, daje idejo o Ming Yi, Svetlobi, ki je ranjena ali zakrita.
Notranji trigram označuje, da je dosežen in svetel; zunanji pa, da je upogljiv in pokoren. Primer kralja Wana je bil primer človeka, ki je bil s temi lastnostmi še vedno vpleten v velike težave. Koristno bi bilo, če bi se zavedal težavnosti položaja in ohranil trdno pravilnost: to pomeni, da bi moral zadevni posameznik zamegliti svoje svetlost. Primer grofa Ki je bil primer človeka, ki je sredi težav v svoji hiši znal ohraniti svoj cilj in pravilno miselnost.
Moram reči, da je to angleško razlago precej težko razumeti. Težava je v tem, da je izvirno staro kitajsko besedilo težavno tudi za Kitajce, zato je prevajanje v angleščino zelo zahtevno. Treba je prebrati več različic razlag.
Drug primer, ki je še posebej pomemben za osebni in poklicni razvoj, sta "qián" in "kūn". V zgodnjih dvajsetih letih sem tako težko razumela to modrost, kljub temu da sem bila s tem že seznanjena. Ta modrost je moto šole Univerze Tsing Wah, ki je ena najboljših na Kitajskem, podobno kot Harvard v ZDA ali Oxford v Veliki Britaniji. V bistvu pravi, da mora biti veliki človek samomotiviran (aktivni del) ter dovolj samozavesten, da po potrebi postane sprejemljiv in pokoren (aktivno pasivni del). Zanimivo je, da lahko s pomočjo te iste filozofije pregledate figuro nebeškega očeta in svete Marije ali figuro Adama in Eve v krščanstvu.
Začetek: 01 ䷀ (乾 qián)
Velika je "velika in izvorna moč", ki jo označuje qián! Vse stvari ji dolgujejo svoj začetek: vsebuje vse pomene, ki pripadajo imenu nebo.
Oblaki se premikajo in dež se razporedi; različne stvari se pojavijo v svojih razvitih oblikah.
Modreci veličastno razumejo povezavo med koncem in začetkom ter kako se uresničujejo navedbe šestih vrstic v heksagramu, vsaka v svojem letnem času. V skladu s tem se ob pravem času usedejo na kočijo, ki jo vleče teh šest zmajev, in se vozijo po nebu.
Metoda qián je spreminjanje in preoblikovanje, tako da vse dobi svojo pravilno naravo, kot jo je določil um nebes; nato se v združenju ohranijo pogoji velike harmonije. Rezultat je "to, kar je koristno, pravilno in trdno".
Modrec se pojavi visoko nad vsemi stvarmi in vsa nešteta stanja uživajo v miru.
Odziv: 02 ䷁ (坤 kūn)
Popolna je velika in izvorna sposobnost, ki jo označuje kūn! Vse stvari ji dolgujejo svoje rojstvo; poslušno sprejema vplive nebes.
kūn v svoji velikosti podpira in vsebuje vse stvari. Njegova odlična zmogljivost se ujema z neomejeno močjo qián.
Njegovo razumevanje je široko in njegova svetlost velika. Različne stvari z njo dosežejo svoj polni razvoj.
Kobila je bitje zemeljske vrste. Njena moč gibanja po zemlji je brezmejna; je blaga in ubogljiva, ugodna in trdna: takšna je pot višjega človeka.
Če prevzame pobudo, zablodi: zgreši, se pravi, zgreši svojo pravo smer. Če mu sledi, je ubogljiv in stopi na svojo pravilno pot. Na jugozahodu bo dobil prijatelje: hodil bo s tistimi iz svojega razreda. Na severovzhodu bo izgubil prijatelje: vendar bo na koncu imel razlog za čestitke.
Sreča, ki izhaja iz trdnosti, ustreza neomejenim zmožnostim zemlje.
Nekaj časa bi potrebovali, da bi ta besedila prebrali, jih nato doživeli, nato pa jih vedno znova prebrali. Kot je dejal veliki Konfucij, se je začel učiti modrosti pri 15 letih, razmeroma popolno razumevanje pa je začel dobivati šele pri 30 letih. Pri 40 letih se je znebil zmede, pri 50 letih pa je spoznal svojo usodo. Pri 60 letih so se mu večinoma vsi dogodki zdeli sprejemljivi, pri 70 letih pa je lahko začel kršiti pravila [Faze življenja po Konfuciju]. Ta lekcija o življenjski poti je povsem nasprotna zdajšnjemu mainstreamu. Ljudje so postali nezaslišani in kršijo pravila v najstniških ali zgodnjih dvajsetih letih, ko imajo komaj kaj življenjskih izkušenj. In načeloma ne delajo dolgoročnih načrtov, zato so pozneje, ko končno spoznajo pravi obraz življenja in resničnosti, potrti, zmedeni, cinični ali zaskrbljeni. V resnici nam ni treba biti takšni. Potrebujemo le nekaj vodenja, modrosti, samozavedanja in odpornosti. Vse to lahko najdemo v I Chingu.
The origin of TCM and Chinese wisdom - I Ching/ Yi Jing (the book of change)
The I Ching/I Ching, or Book of Changes, may be the oldest book of the earth; it is certainly one of our greatest treasures of wisdom. The I Ching teaches us about life and how to live. It is a constant guiding force that can be found anywhere, as long as we actively seek it out. It is simple, yet wise-ancient and timeless. As Confucius said, by following the counsels of the book, and studying it continuously, we can attain creative awareness in every situation.
The I Ching originated in the Zhou dynasty (between 10th and 4th century BC). The ancient book is a study of change in the universe. The belief is that understanding the pattern and cycle of change will prepare a person for future events and help with making right decisions. For more than 5000 years the I-Ching has been used and relied on by many Chinese to aid in decision making and predicting the future. The answers or predictions of future events are revealed by using a numerological system based on the Yin and Yang. The Yin and Yang are polarizing forces but are important in maintaining a balanced universe. The Yin represents a broken line and Yang a whole line.And then we generate a number of compositions with this Yin and Yang symbol.
We constantly go through significant changes in life, one way or another. At the core of all we do, whether in the world, our life, or medicine, is about change. The I Ching lays out a system of cosmology as it relates to the changes in the world around us, along with laying the foundation for the philosophical ideas of the Chinese culture, especially as it relates to Chinese Medicine(Yin and Yang, the 5 Phases, and the nature of Qi; Stages of life according to Confucius). In its contents, Yin and Yang form the eight principles of existence(trigrams), and these eight principles produce the 64 hexagrams, which are used to give guidance and direction on the changing world.
I Ching is very commonly used for fortune-telling. But as my mentor and great mentor have taught me, if we study it well enough, we already know what to do at each time of our lives and therefore we need no fortune-telling.
In this link (I Ching explanation), it lists out all the 64 Hexagram representing basically all the possible life situations. For example, we are now experiencing the weird time that right is wrong and wrong is right. We say this is where the true light is hidden. This could be explained in this hexagram:
Ming Yi :明夷
The symbol of the Earth and that of Brightness entering into the midst of it gives the idea of Ming Yi, Brightness wounded or obscured.
The inner trigram denotes being accomplished and bright; the outer, being pliant and submissive. The case of king Wan was that of one who with these qualities was yet involved in great difficulties. It will be advantageous to realize the difficulty of the position, and maintain firm correctness: that is, the individual concerned should obscure his brightness. The case of the count of Ki was that of one who, amidst the difficulties of his house was able thus to maintain his aim and mind correct.
I must say that this English explanation is rather hard to understand. The problem is, the original Chinese ancient text is difficult for Chinese too, so translating into English is very challenging. It is a must to read more versions.
Another example, which is particularly important for personal and career development is the "qián" and "kūn". I had such a hard time understanding this wisdom in my early 20s despite the fact that I had been introduced to this already. This wisdom is the school motto of Tsing Wah University, one of the tops in China, like Harvard in the USA or Oxford in the UK. It basically says that a great man must be self-motivating (active part) as well as self-confident enough to become accepting and submissive as necessary (actively passive part). The interesting thing is, you can review the heavenly Father figure and holy Mary or Adam and Eve figure in Christianity using this same philosophy.
Initiating : 01 ䷀ (乾 qián)
Vast is the 'great and originating power' indicated by qián! All things owe to it their beginning: it contains all the meanings belonging to the name heaven.
The clouds move and the rain is distributed; the various things appear in their developed forms.
The sages grandly understand the connection between the end and the beginning, and how the indications of the six lines in the hexagram are accomplished, each in its season. Accordingly they mount the carriage drawn by those six dragons at the proper times, and drive through the sky.
The method of qián is to change and transform, so that everything obtains its correct nature as appointed by the mind of Heaven; and thereafter the conditions of great harmony are preserved in union. The result is 'what is advantageous, and correct and firm.'
The sage appears aloft, high above all things, and the myriad states all enjoy repose.
Responding : 02 ䷁ (坤 kūn)
Complete is the great and originating capacity indicated by kūn! All things owe to it their birth; it receives obediently the influences of Heaven.
kūn, in its largeness, supports and contains all things. Its excellent capacity matches the unlimited power of qián.
Its comprehension is wide, and its brightness great. The various things obtain by it their full development.
The mare is a creature of earthly kind. Its power of moving on the earth is without limit; it is mild and docile, advantageous and firm: such is the course of the superior man.
If he take the initiative, he goes astray: he misses, that is, his proper course. If he follow, he is docile, and gets into his regular course. In the southwest he will get friends: he will be walking with those of his own class. In the northeast he will lose friends: but in the end there will be ground for congratulation.
The good fortune arising from resting in firmness corresponds to the unlimited capacity of the earth.
It would take some time to read these texts, then to experience them, then reread them again and again. As the great Confucian said, he started his studies of wisdom at the age of 15, and he only started to get a relatively complete understanding at the age of 30. By the age of 40, he got rid of the confusion, and by 50, he realized his destiny. At the age of 60, he found mostly all events acceptable, and at the age of 70, he could start breaking the rules [Stages of life according to Confucius]. This life journey lesson is quite opposite to the mainstream right now. People got outrageous and broke rules in their teenage or early 20s when they barely have any life experience. And they basically do not make plans for the long term so later when they finally realize the true face of life and reality, they get crushed or confused or cynical or anxious. In fact, we do not have to be like this. All we need is some guidance, wisdom, self-consciousness, and resilience. And all of these can be found in the I Ching.