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Writer's pictureAku Energija

Intervju/ Interviewing

Updated: Feb 28, 2021

Intervju / Konzultacije

Intervju je najbolj znana oblika diagnosticiranja, pa vendar znajo biti vprašanja, postavljena s strani kitajskega zdravilca, nenavadna. Najprej se posvetimo pacientovi največji/najpomembnejši težavi, zgodovini težave in vsakodnevnem življenju. Včasih upoštevamo predhodno krvno sliko in rentgenske posnetke, vendar ti niso najpomembnejši. Zdravilec težko diagnosticira bolezensko stanje samo na podlagi krvne slike in rentgenskih posnetkov.

Včasih rentgenske slike ne doprinesejo veliko k rešitvi situacije. Zdravljenje bolečine v rami s kalcifikacijo ligamentov ali brez nje je zelo podobno.

Včasih so lahko podrobnosti, ki se zdijo nepomembne, pomembne za postavitev druge diagnoze. Vedno je pomembno, da poznamo lokacijo in značilnosti glavobola. Drugi primer je kašljanje: način, vzorec, čas v dnevu, ko se kašelj pojavlja, imajo lahko različne izvore.

Informacije pridobljene z intervjujem se upoštevajo skupaj z diagnostiko jezika in pulza. Včasih so si lahko simptomi nasprotujoči ali pa pacient spregleda kakšne pomembne znake. V tem primeru je zdravilec tisti, ki mora postaviti prava vprašanja, da potrdi ali ovrže znake in simptome.



Interviewing is the most familiar form of diagnostics and yet the questions from Chinese medicine practitioner might not be as usual. We start with asking the patients about their chief complaints, history of the issue and daily life. Blood tests and imaging sometimes will take into account but not the most important. Actually, it is completely impossible for a Chinese medicine practitioner to make a diagnosis simply based on blood test and imaging results.

Imaging results do not always make a difference with our approach. For example, the treatment of a shoulder pain with or without calcification of ligaments is very similar.

Sometimes details that seem irrelevant might be important for differential diagnosis. For example, it is always important to know the location and characteristic of pain in a headache patient. An other example is about coughing, the way , pattern, time of the day when a patient cough could mean different causes.

Information gathering by interview will be taken into account together with tongue and pulse diagnostics. Sometimes the symptoms could be contradicting or some important signs are missed or ignored by patients so it is the time when the practitioner should ask the right question to confirm or rule out some situations.

[Photo source: internet]

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