Da Shu 大暑 ali velika vročina je dvanajsti solarni cikel od 24 tradicionalnih kitajskih solarnih ciklov in hkrati zadnji solarni cikel v poletni sezoni. Po gregorijanskem koledarju je med 22. in 24. julijem. Obdobje velike vročine je čas z najvišjimi temperaturami v letu. [Preberi več: TKM nasveti za ohladitev med poletjem]

Pri ohranjanju zdravja v času velike vročine je poudarek na konceptu "qing 清" (čistosti), kar pomeni poudarjanje "čiste" prehrane in "čiščenja vročine" v telesu, hkrati pa tudi "čistih hranil". V teoriji jin-jang TKM je qing lastnost janga, ki nasprotuje "zhuo 濁" (motnost). V praksi čista prehrana vključuje predvsem odpravljanje vlage z uživanjem lahke in lahko prebavljive hrane, da ne obremenjujemo prebavil. Primeri motne in vlažne hrane so:
gosta in vlažna hrana, kot so nefermentirani mlečni izdelki
zelo sladka hrana, kot so torte, sladoled in celo nekateri sadeži, kot sta banana in mango
posredna vlaga zaradi počasne presnove, ki jo povzroči hladna in surova hrana
[Preberi več: Prehranski nasveti TKM] [Preberi več: Hrano je potrebno skuhati – tradicionalna kitajska medicina pojasni prebavni sistem]
V obdobju velike vročine telesa ni priporočljivo pretirano izpostavljati visokim temperaturam, saj lahko to poslabša funkcije uravnavanja temperature. "Čistoča" je poleti izjemno pomembna, saj se zaradi visokih temperatur hrana zlahka pokvari, kar lahko povzroči drisko in prebavne motnje.
Tukaj je nekaj hladilnih receptov, ki jih je predlagala naša zeliščarka TKM.
1. Juha iz mungo fižola
1/2 skodelice mungo fižola
1/4 skodelice riža
1000 ml vode
1/2 jedilne žlice surovega sladkorja
Fižol mungo in riž operite v čisti vodi.
V velik lonec dodajte 1/2 skodelice fižola mungo in 1/4 skodelice riža s 1000 ml vode (lahko dodate več vode, če imate raje bolj vodeno juho).
Vso vsebino zavrite in nato kuhajte še približno 30-45 minut.
Dodajte 1/2 žlice surovega sladkorja, ko je juha pripravljena.
Ohladite in pojejte, ostanek pa shranite v hladilniku in ga pred zaužitjem rahlo segrejte.
2. Voda iz lubeničnega olupka
Očistite površino lubeničnega olupka (zeleni in beli del, ki ga običajno zavržemo), ga narežite na majhne koščke in pustite vreti 15 minut, nato pa pripravek pijte kot kumarično vodo.
3. Popražena lubenična lupina
2 žlici olivnega olja
1 srednje velika čebula
4 stroki česna
2 skodelici lubeničnih lupin (temnozeleni rob odstranjen, narezan na majhne kocke)
1 žlica sojine omake
1 velik paradižnik
½ čajne žličke origana
Sveža bazilika, natrgana ali sesekljana
Sol in poper po okusu
Začnite s pripravo zelenjave. Čebulo narežite na debele rezine in jih prerežite na pol. Sesekljajte česen. Prepričajte se, da je iz lubenice odstranjeno vse rdeče meso. Po želji lahko na lubenici pustite zeleno lupino - med kuhanjem se bo precej zmehčala, vendar bo še vedno nekoliko trda. Paradižnik narežite na majhne koščke.
V veliki ponvi s pokrovom segrejte olivno olje. Dodajte čebulo in česen ter ju kuhajte minuto ali dve. Dodajte lubenično lupino in sojino omako ter premešajte, da se lupina obloži. Dodajte paradižnik in pol skodelice vode. Pokrijte in pustite vreti 10 minut.
Po 10 minutah odstranite pokrov. Med mešanjem kuhajte še nekaj minut, da izhlapi odvečna voda. Dodajte origano, sol in poper po okusu. Izklopite ogenj, dodajte svežo baziliko in postrezite. Odlično se poda k testeninam, kruhu ali kar tako.
4. Čaj iz kovačnika
Kovačnik je "plevel", ki raste na prostem. Velja za invazivno vrsto, saj lahko drugim rastlinam odvzame prostor in sonce. Vendar je njegov cvet kitajsko zeliščno zdravilo. V zgodnjem poletju naberite cvetno čebulico (tisto pred cvetenjem) in jo posušite v hladnem prostoru. Uporabite jih nekaj ali morda skupaj z bezgovim cvetom v 85 stopinj vroči vodi za 30 sekund, nato pa čaj popijte.
5. Fermentirane kumare (kisle kumarice)
Pripravite slanico. V veliki merilni skodelici ali vrču zmešajte svežo vodo s soljo, da dobite 3,5-odstotno raztopino soli (3,5 grama soli na 100 gramov vode).
Pripravite sveženj začimb z gorčičnimi semeni, semeni koriandra, zrni črnega popra in lovorjevimi listi. Uporabite lahko tudi začimbe po lastni izbiri. Dajte jih v vrečko za čaj ali zelišča.
Pripravite kumare. Kumare narežite na dolge rezine, polovice ali manjše rezine. Odstranite cvetni del vsake kumare.
Zapakirajte kozarce. V vsak kozarec dodajte stroke česna, sveženj začimb, koper in druge dišavnice. Kumare na tesno zložite in poskrbite, da so prekrite s slanico.
Prilijte slanico.
Dodajte težo. Uporabite fermentacijsko utež (če jo uporabljate) in poskrbite, da so vse kumare potopljene v slanico.
Dodajte fermentacijski pokrov. Na vrh kozarca namestite fermentacijski pokrov.
Fermentacija. Kumare fermentirajte 4 dni v temnem prostoru. Četrti dan poskusite kumare. Če želite, da so bolj ostre in kiselkaste, zamenjajte utež in pokrov ter nadaljujte s fermentacijo še nekaj dni. Če ste z okusom zadovoljni, odstranite utež in fermentacijski pokrov. Po želji dodajte kis. Uporabite standardni pokrov in kisle kumarice postavite v hladilnik.
Prepoznajte znake kvarjenja: Če opazite nenavaden vonj, barvo ali rast plesni, zavrzite celotno porcijo. Toksin botulizma je brez okusa in vonja, zato samo ti senzorični znaki ne zagotavljajo varnosti.
Cooling ingredients for the summer heat with TCM wisdom
Da Shu 大暑 or Major Heat is the twelfth solar term of the 24 traditional Chinese solar terms, and also the last solar term of the summer season. It falls between July 22 and 24 in the Gregorian calendar. Major Heat period is the time with the highest temperature of the year. [Read more: TCM Cooling Tips for Summer]
In terms of health preservation during Great heat, the focus is on the concept of "qing 清" (clearness), which means emphasizing a "clean" diet and "clearing heat" within the body, while also engaging in "clear nourishment." In the TCM Yin Yang theory, Qing is a Yang property opposing “zhuo 濁” (turbidity). In practice, clear nourishment primarily involves eliminating dampness by consuming light and easily digestible foods to avoid burdening the gastrointestinal system. Examples of turbid and damp food are
Dense and damp food like unfermented dairy products
Very sugary foods like cakes, ice cream and even some fruits like banana and mango
Indirect dampness caused by slow metabolism like cold and raw food
[Read more: TCM Dietary Advice] [Read more: Cook your food - digestive system explained in Traditional Chinese medicine]
During the period of Major Heat, it is advisable not to expose the body excessively to high temperatures, as it may impair temperature regulation functions. "Cleanliness" is extremely important in summer, as high temperatures can easily lead to food spoilage, resulting in diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders.
Here some a few cooling recipes suggested by our TCM herbalist.
1. Mung Bean Soup
1/2 cup mung beans
1/4 cup rice
1000 ml water
1/2 tablespoon raw sugar
Rinse the mung beans and rice in clean water.
In a large pot, add 1/2 cup of mung beans and 1/4 cup rice with 1000ml water (you can put more water if you prefer it more watery)
Boil all the content and then continue cooking for around 30-45 minutes
Add 1/2 tablespoon raw sugar when then soup is done
Cool down and eat, save the leftover in the refrigerator and gently reheat it when consuming.
2. Watermelon Peel Water
Clean the surface of the watermelon peel (the green and white part that we usually throw away), chop into small pieces and boil for 15 minutes then drink it like cucumber water.
3. Sautéed Watermelon Rind
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 medium onion
4 cloves garlic
2 cups watermelon rinds (dark green edge removed, chopped into small cubes)
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1 large tomato
½ tsp. oregano
Fresh basil, torn or chopped
Salt and pepper, to taste
Start by prepping your vegetables. Chop the onion into thick slices, and cut those slices in half. Mince the garlic. Make sure all the red watermelon flesh is removed from the rind. You can leave the green skin on the watermelon if you like- it will soften a lot as you cook, but still be a little tough. Chop the tomato in small pieces.
Heat your olive oil in a large skillet with a lid. Add the onion and garlic, and cook for a minute or two. Add the watermelon rinds and soy sauce, and stir so the rinds are coated. Add the tomato and half a cup of water. Cover, and let simmer for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes, remove the lid. Cook for a few minutes, stirring, to allow excess water to evaporate. Add the oregano, salt and pepper to taste. Turn off the heat, add fresh basil, and serve. Excellent over pasta, bread, or as is.
4. Honeysuckle Tea
Honeysuckle is a “weed” that grows wild. It is considered an invasive species becuase it could take over other plants’ space and sun. But its flower is a Chinese herbal medicine. Gather the flower bulb (the one before blossom) in early summer, and dry it in cool place. Use a few of them, or maybe together with the elderflower in 85 degrees hot water for 30 seconds then drink the tea.
5. Fermented Cucumbers (Brine Pickles)
Prepare the Brine. In a large measuring cup or jug, combine the fresh water with salt to make a 3.5% salt solution (3.5 grams of salt per 100 grams of water).
Prepare the Spice bundle with mustard seeds, coriander seeds, black peppercorns and bay leaves. You can also use the spices you prefer. Put them into a tea or herbs bag.
Prepare the cucumbers. Cut your cucumbers into spears, halves, or slices. Discard the blossom end off each cucumber (Image 3).
Pack the jars. To each jar, add the garlic cloves, spice bundle, dill and other aromatics. Pack in the cucumbers very tight and make sure it is covered by the brine.
Pour in the brine.
Add weight. Apply the fermentation weight (if using), making sure that all the cucumbers are submerged in the brine.
Add fermentation lid. Apply the fermentation lid to the top of the jar.
Ferment. Ferment the cucumbers for 4 days away from direct sunlight. On day 4, taste the cucumbers. If you want them to be tangier and sourer, replace the weight and lid and continue to ferment for a few more days. If you’re happy with the taste, remove the weight, and fermentation lid. Add the optional vinegar. Apply a standard lid and place the pickles in the fridge
Recognize signs of spoilage: If you notice any unusual smells, colors, or mold growth, discard the entire batch. Botulism toxin is tasteless and odorless, so relying on these sensory cues alone is not sufficient to guarantee safety.