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Writer's pictureAku Energija

Kitajski vodnik za srečo in boljše življenje

V kitajski kulturi ima koncept sreče ali 運氣 (Yunqì) pomembno vlogo ter vpliva na prepričanja, odločitve in vedenje ljudi. Vsako leto okoli kitajskega novega leta veliko ljudi poišče v kitajskem zodiaku nasvete za večjo srečo. A to ni zgolj privilegij Kitajcev, tudi številni zahodnjaki so zelo navdušeni nad njim. Tako kot mi tudi Kitajci berejo horoskop. To priča o skupnosti človeštva - vsi poznamo neke vrste vpogled in vodstvo, ki včasih presega znanstveno ali racionalno analizo. Ljudje pogosto berejo svoje horoskope ali zodiak, da bi ugotovili, kaj jih dela drugačne in edinstvene. Želijo razumeti, kdo so in zakaj ravnajo tako, kot ravnajo, pa tudi pridobiti občutek smisla svojega življenja. Mnogi iščejo vodstvo v svojem življenju.

Kako na usodo gledajo Kitajci?

Po starodavni kitajski filozofiji na človekovo življenje vplivata datum in ura rojstva (Ba Zi 八字, dobesedno pomeni 8 črk, kar je kombinacija energijskih lastnosti v smislu petih elementov) ter orientacije kraja, kjer živi (Feng Shui 風水, dobesedno pomeni veter in voda, kar pomeni objektivno okolje).

Kitajci verjamejo, da uspeh temelji na petih področjih vpliva. Po pomembnosti si sledijo:

  1. 命 Ming - Usoda

  2. 運 Yun - Sreča

  3. 風水 Feng Shui - Vplivi okolja

  4. 陰德 Yin De - Namera, vrlina in značaj

  5. 讀書 Du Shu - Izobraževanje in trud

Kitajci ne verjamejo, da je naša usoda vnaprej določena ali usojena. Fatalizem je prepričanje, da so dogodki vnaprej določeni in jih človek ne more spremeniti. Namesto tega je usoda odvisna od človekove izbire in svobodne volje. Poglejmo si bolj podrobno.

Ming 命 - Usoda

Angleški slovar definira usodo kot moč, ki naj bi določala izid dogodkov, usodo. Usodo opredeljuje tudi kot "na videz neizogibno zaporedje dogodkov". V kitajskem jeziku se astrologija pogosto imenuje Ming Shu 命書 ali izračun usode 命數, saj velja, da je usoda določena ob rojstvu, vendar jo je mogoče spoznati in predvideti. Kitajci verjamejo, da nas poznavanje usode reši, da se ne bi poskušali premakniti po poti, ki je za nas blokirana. Energije, prisotne ob našem rojstvu, ki so prikazane kot zvezde in/ali stebla 天干 in veje 地支, imajo na nas velik vpliv.

Yun運 - Sreča

Zahodnjaki so prepričani, da je sreča naključna. Angleški slovar srečo opredeljuje kot "na videz naključno dogajanje, ki vpliva na posameznika".

Kitajci menijo, da se sreča spreminja s časom in je skoraj tako predvidljiva kot vreme. Koncept sreče se pogosto dojema kot ciklična sila, ki spominja na plimovanje morja. Tako kot se plimovanje dviguje in spušča, se tudi sreča spreminja in v življenju prinaša obdobja sreče in nesreče. Ta cikličnost ni naključen pojav, temveč naravni ritem, ki oblikuje izkušnje ljudi ter jih spodbuja k rasti in razvoju.

Razumevanje usode in prevzemanje odgovornosti

Tudi z enakim prevodom v angleščini, v kitajščini 命運 pomeni usodo in srečo. Lahko si predstavljamo, da je usoda podobna avtomobilu, sreča pa cesti. V večini primerov sta model in moč avtomobila bolj ali manj fiksna (vendar ju je mogoče prilagoditi), od tipa ceste pa je odvisno, ali avtomobil dobro pelje. Upoštevajte, da avtomobil ni Tesla in se ne vozi sam, zato je odločitev o tem, kaj storiti, vedno odvisna od nas, voznika. Če želite, da je vaš avtomobil v dobrem stanju in da prispete do cilja, morate nekaj vedeti o modelu avtomobila, ki ga imate. Rojstna karta osebe je kot priročnik za uporabo novega avtomobila. V njem so navedene specifikacije in navodila za uporabo.

Kako izboljšati svojo srečo?

Preden se lotimo tega, moramo najprej spregovoriti o feng šuju. Če je naš rojstni dan skrivna šifra uspeha, kako to, da ljudje z istim rojstnim dnem niso enako uspešni? Eden od odločilnih dejavnikov je okolje. Predstavljajte si, da se Bill Gates ne bi rodil v Ameriki ali da bi se rodil 200 let prej, zgodba bi bila drugačna. Z drugimi besedami, to je modrost objektivne analize okolja in zunanjih dejavnikov.

Feng Shui 風水 - Vplivi okolja

Feng šuj je več kot le razporejanje predmetov v bivalnih prostorih, da prinesejo srečo. Je zapleten sistem preučevanja okolja in njegovih energijskih vplivov. S temi vplivi lahko manipulirate, da dosežete višje ravni, ki vam jih dopuščata usoda in sreča. Če veste, kako, lahko na primer preuredite svojo hišo tako, da kar najbolje izkoristite sončno svetlobo in s tem prihranite denar za energijo ali zagotovite boljše prezračevanje. Lahko pa izberete določeno barvo ali dekoracijo, ki vam bo dala psihološki namig za izboljšanje razpoloženja ali motivacije. To velja tudi za vašo sosesko. Če živite v prijetni soseski, bodo vaši otroci bolj verjetno sklepali prijateljstva s pridnimi otroki. V nasprotnem primeru, če živite v neprimerni soseski, je bolj verjetno, da bodo vaši otroci prišli v stik s preprodajalci drog.

Poznavanje svoje usode je navodilo za uporabo vašega avtomobila (življenja). Poznavanje sreče je vaš zemljevid in vremensko poročilo za potovanje. S pomočjo feng šuja lahko svojemu avtomobilu omogočite letni pregled in tako ohranite in/ali povečate njegovo zmogljivost. Toda Toyota je še vedno Toyota in Jeep je še vedno Jeep.

Pravi uspeh se skriva v naši nameri in prizadevanjih

Yin De 陰德 - Namen, vrlina in značaj

Yin je enak koncept kot Jin Jang. Pomeni nekaj nevidnega. Vrlina je opredeljena kot splošna moralna odličnost. V tem primeru najbolj ustreza definicija, ki označuje moralno moč, ugled, status ali položaj. Nad obema tema vidikoma svojega življenja imate nadzor. Čeprav je usoda podobna avtomobilu in sreča cesti, se moramo mi, voznik, vedno odločiti, kaj bomo storili. To deluje kot zakon privlačnosti, prijazno srce pritegne več prijaznosti, dajanje daje več moči za dajanje. Če vozite v jezi, je večja verjetnost, da se vam bo zgodila prometna nesreča. Če imate lepe manire, je večja verjetnost, da vas bodo spoštovali.

Du Shu 讀書 - Izobrazba in trud

Uporaba znanja je zadnji, a ne najmanj pomemben dejavnik, ki vpliva na to, kako daleč boste prišli v življenju. Navsezadnje morate pridobiti potrebno znanje in ustrezno ukrepati, da boste v življenju uspešni. Če se ne potrudite, pomeni, da samo sedite v svojem avtomobilu (življenju) in pričakujete, da bo uspeh prišel k vam. Izobraževanje in trud vam omogočata, da vozite z boljšim znanjem, da se naučite nastaviti svoj avtomobil, da znate prebrati vremensko napoved ali zemljevid, omogočata vam modrost, da se naučite lepega vedenja itd. Tako je manjša verjetnost, da boste imeli nesrečo ali poškodovali avto ter boste vedeli, kdaj močno pritisniti na plin in boste dosegli boljše rezultate.

Če ne uporabite vsega: priročnika za uporabo vozila (usoda), zemljevida in vremenske napovedi (sreča), dobro vzdrževanega vozila (feng šuj), pozitivne naravnanosti (vrlina) in znanja (trud), lahko obtičite in nikoli ne prispete tja, kamor želite. V življenju je ključnega pomena, da vse te dejavnike zadovoljivo združite, da boste lahko izpolnili svojo usodo.


The Chinese guide for better luck and life

In the Chinese culture, the concept of luck, or 運氣 (Yunqì), holds a prominent position, weaving its influence into people’s beliefs, decisions, and behaviors. Each year around the Chinese New Year, many people would look into the Chinese Zodiac for tips for better luck. And this is not a privilege of the Chinese people, many Westerners are very into it too. Just like us, the Chinese will also read the horoscope. It speaks for a common humanity- we all know some sort of insight and guidance, sometimes beyond scientific or rational analysis. People often read their horoscopes or zodiac to find out what makes them different and unique. They want to understand who they are, and why they act the way they do, as well as to gain a sense of meaning in their lives. Many are seeking guidance in their lives.

How the Chinese see our fate?

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, a person’s life is affected by the date and time of birth (Ba Zi 八字, literally means 8 letters, which is a combination of energy properties in terms of five phases) and the orientations of the place he lives (Feng Shui 風水, literally means wind and water which implies the objective environment). 

The Chinese do believe that your success is based on 5 areas of influence. In order of importance, they are:

  1. 命 Ming – Fate or Destiny

  2. 運 Yun – Luck or Fortune

  3. 風水 Feng Shui – Environmental Influences

  4. 陰德 Yin De – Intention, Virtue & Character

  5. 讀書 Du Shu – Education & Effort

The Chinese do not believe that our fate is fixed or destined. Fatalism is the belief that events are fixed in advance and unchangeable by human agency. Instead, fate is subject to the exercise of human choice and free will. And we will look deeper into details.

Ming 命 – Fate or Destiny

An English dictionary defines fate as the power which is supposed to determine the outcome of events, destiny. It also defines destiny as 'the seemingly inevitable succession of events'. In the Chinese language, astrology is often called Ming Shu 命書 or fate calculation 命數, as fate is seen to be set at birth, but knowable and predictable. The Chinese believe knowing your fate will save you from trying to move down a road that is blocked for you. The energies present at the time of your birth, which are pictured as stars and/or the stems 天干 and branches 地支, have a profound impact on you. 

Yun運 – Luck or Fortune

Westerners tend to believe that luck is random. The English dictionary defines luck as, 'the seemingly chance happening of events which affect one.' 

The Chinese view luck as variable with time and at least as predictable as the weather. The concept of luck, is often perceived as a cyclical force, resembling the ebb and flow of the tides. Just as the tides rise and fall, so does luck, bringing periods of good and bad luck throughout one’s life. This cyclical nature is not seen as a random occurrence but rather a natural rhythm that shapes people’s experiences and challenges them to grow and evolve.

Understanding destiny and taking in charge

Even with the same translation in English, in Chinese 命運 means fate and fortune. One can imagine that fate is like a car and fortune is the road. In most cases, the model and power of a car are more of less fixed (but can be fine-tuned), it is up to the type of road that determines if the car is running at its best. Note that the car is not a Tesla, it does not drive itself, so it is always up to us, the driver, to decide what to do.  If you want to keep your car in good condition and get to your destination, you need to know a little about the model of car that you have. A person's birth chart is like the owner's manual for a new car. It gives the specs and the operating instructions.

How to get better luck?

Before we go into that, we must talk about Feng Shui. So, if our birthday is a secret code of success, then how come people with the same birthday are not equally successful? One determining factor is environment. Imagine if Bill Gates was not born in America or was born 200 years earlier, story would be different. In other words, this is a wisdom of objective analysis of environment and external factors.

Feng Shui 風水 – Environmental influences

Feng Shui is more than the practice of arranging pieces in living spaces bring good luck. It is a complex system of studying the environment and its energetic influences. You can manipulate these influences to reach the higher levels of what your fate and luck allow. For example, if you know how, you can remodel your house to make the best use of the sunlight therefore saving you money on energy or gives better ventilation. Or, you could choose certain colour or decoration to give psychological hint to improve your mood or motivation. This also applies in your neighborhood. If you live a nice neighborhood, your children are more likely to make friends with good behaviour children. Otherwise, if you live in a disadvantaged neighborhood, your children are more likely to get in touch with drug dealers.

Knowing your fate is the owner's manual for your car (life). Knowing your luck is your road map and a weather report for the trip. With Feng Shui you can give your car an annual tune-up to maintain and/or increase its performance. But a Toyota is still a Toyota, and a Jeep is still a Jeep.

The real deal lies in our intention and effort 

Yin De 陰德 – Intention, Virtue and Character

Yin is the same concept of Yin Yang. It means something unseen. Virtue is defined as general moral excellence. In this instance, the definition of character that fits is moral strength, reputation, status or position. You have control over both of these aspects of your life. While fate is like a car and fortune is the road, it is always up to us, the driver, to decide what to do. This works like the law of attraction, kind heart attracts more kindness, giving gives more power to give. If you drive in anger, you are more likely to get a car crash. If you have good manners, you are more likely to be respected.

Du Shu 讀書 – Education and Effort

The application of your knowledge is the last, but not least important factor regarding how far you will go in life. Ultimately, you must acquire the necessary knowledge and take the appropriate action to be successful in your life. Not making an effort is just sitting in your car (life) and expecting success to come to you. Education and effort allow you to drive with better skills, learn how to tune up your car, know how to read the weather forecast or the map, allow you to have the wisdom to practice good manners, etc, In such way you are less like to have an accident or damaging the car or know when to push hard on the accleration and get better results.

If you don't use everything: your owner's manual (fate), road map & weather report (luck), a well maintained vehicle (Feng Shui), a positive attitude (virtue) and your knowledge (effort), you can get stranded and never arrive where you want to go. In life it’s vital that you combine all these factors satisfactorily to allow you to fulfill your destiny.

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