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Writer's pictureAku Energija

Akupunktura in kitajska medicina kot podpora pri intrauterini inseminaciji (IUI)

Intrauterina inseminacija (IUI) je pogosto prvo priporočilo pacientkam, ki imajo težave z zanositvijo. Je cenovno dostopnejša in manj invazivna v primerjavi z IVF (zunajtelesno oploditvijo). Gre za metodo, ki združuje hormonsko zdravljenje ženske in neboleč postopek inseminacije, pri katerem se oprana sperma vstavi neposredno v maternico, čemur sledi naravna oploditev v maternici.

Za koga je primeren IUI?

Če vi ali vaš partner izpolnjujete spodaj navedene pogoje, lahko kot način zdravljenja neplodnosti izberete IUI:

  • ženske, mlajše od 40 let

  • ženske z neblokiranimi jajcevodi

  • moški, ki imajo blage težave z gibljivostjo, številom in morfologijo spermijev

  • ženske, ki potrebujejo darovanje sperme

  • ženske s pregosto sluzjo materničnega vratu

  • moški s spolnimi ali erektilnimi motnjami

Kako akupunktura pomaga pri IUI?

Akupunktura lahko poveča uspešnost implantacij in nosečnosti, če se izvaja skupaj z IUI. Raziskave kažejo, da se po zdravljenju z akupunkturo izboljša pretok krvi skozi maternične arterije v reproduktivni sistem, kar lahko sčasoma izboljša kakovost jajčec in debelino endometrija (maternične sluznice) ter zmanjša možnost spontanega splava po IUI. Druge prednosti akupunkture pri IUI vključujejo hormonsko uravnavanje, ravnovesje imunskega sistema, zmanjšano raven stresa in kortizola, zmanjšane neželene učinke zdravil, boljši odziv na zdravila in zmanjšano krčenje maternice po IUI.

Akupunktura v kombinaciji z intrauterino osemenitvijo lahko pomaga na naslednje načine:

  1. povečan pretok krvi v jajčnike in maternico, kar lahko izboljša uspešnost implantacije.

  2. Izboljšanje zdravja foliklov in jajčec.

  3. Preprečevanje krčenja maternice in s tem podpora implantaciji.

  4. Uravnavanje osi hipotalamus-hipofiza-jajčniki.

  5. Znižanje ravni stresa in zagotavljanje uravnavanja simpatičnega živčnega sistema, ki ima lahko ključno vlogo pri uspešnih rezultatih nosečnosti.

  6. Zmanjšanje stranskih učinkov zdravil za plodnost.

Kako pogosto naj bi se izvajala akupunktura za podporo IUI?

Akupunktura deluje pred, med in po postopku IUI. Priporočam, da se zdravljenje začne 3 mesece pred postopkom. Če to ni mogoče, začnite z zdravljenjem čim prej. Pred oploditvijo je dobro razmisliti o rezervaciji terapije akupunkture in uživanju zeliščnih formul, za še boljše rezultate pa je priporočljivo načrtovati terapijo akupunkture na dan pred postopkom in dan po njem.

Dokazi o akupunkturi in kitajski medicini kot podpori pri intrauterini inseminaciji (IUI)

Tradicionalna kitajska medicina je eden najbolj izpopolnjenih zeliščnih sistemov, ki se že več kot dva tisoč let uporablja za zdravljenje ginekoloških motenj, vključno z neplodnostjo. V zadnjih desetletjih so eksperimentalne in klinične študije pokazale, da ustrezna uporaba kitajskih zelišč v obdobju štirih mesecev dvakratno poveča plodnost[1].

Študija primera je pokazala, da kitajske zeliščne formule z optimizacijo zdravja maternice in jajčnikov dobro vplivajo na izboljšanje števila in kakovosti foliklov[2]. V poročilu je bila obravnavana 43-letna ženska z zmanjšano ovarijsko rezervo in multiplo fibrozo maternice, ki so jo 6 mesecev zdravili s kitajskim zeliščnim zdravilom. Dosežena je bila naravna zanositev in živo rojstvo zdravega otroka.

Študija je pokazala, da se plodnost znatno poveča, če se terapiji uporabljata vzporedno [3]. Od 29 žensk v testni skupini jih je 65,5 odstotka zanosilo, 41,4 odstotka pa rodilo zdrave otroke. V kontrolni skupini jih je zanosilo le 39,4 odstotka, rodilo pa 26,9 odstotka.

Katere so sestavine zeliščnih formul in ali so varne?

Pri zdravljenju z zelišči se redko uporabljajo posamezna zelišča, temveč se predpisujejo kot uravnotežene, ciljno usmerjene formule, ki zagotavljajo celostno zdravljenje in vodijo k višji stopnji zanositve in uspešne nosečnosti. Po ustrezni diagnozi med stotinami zelišč v kitajski lekarni izberem približno 7 do 9 različnih sestavin, ki najbolje ustrezajo vašemu stanju.

Zeliščne formule so predpisane za izboljšanje kakovosti jajčec in parametrov sperme ter za izboljšanje stopnje implantacije in preprečevanje spontanega splava po IUI. Koristne so tudi, če se jih uporablja pred IUI za nadzor številnih vzrokov neplodnosti, vključno z endometriozo, sindromom policističnih jajčnikov (PCOS), fibroidi, visokimi vrednostmi folikel stimulirajočega hormona (FSH), slabo kakovostjo jajčec, blokiranimi jajcevodi in neravnovesjem imunskega sistema. Opravljenih je bilo veliko raziskav o vplivu zelišč na te posamezne motnje. [Preberi več: TKM o endometriozi in drugih abnormalnih rasteh v ženskem reprodukcijskem sistemu]

Kontaktirajte nas za dodatne informacije

Za več informacij o tem, kako vam lahko pomagajo akupunktura, zeliščna terapija in drugi alternativni načini zdravljenja, se obrnite na AKU ENERGIJO. V Novem mestu, Ljubljani in Mariboru skupaj z našo sodelavko Dr. Wei iz SHENG TKM sprejemamo nove paciente.


  1. Karin Ried. Chinese herbal medicine for female infertility: an updated meta-analysis.Ried K. Complement Ther Med. 2015 Feb;23(1):116-28. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2014.12.004. Epub 2015 Jan 3.PMID: 25637159

  2. Benqi Teng, Jie Peng, Madeleine Ong and Xianqin Qu. (2017) Successful Pregnancy after Treatment with Chinese Herbal Medicine in a 43-Year-Old Woman with Diminished Ovarian Reserve and Multiple Uterus Fibrosis: A Case Report. Medicines (Basel) 2017 Mar; 4(1): 7. Published online 2017 Feb 9. doi: 10.3390/medicines4010007

  3. Sela et al. (2011) Acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment for women undergoing intrauterine insemination. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 3, Issue 2, e77–e81.


Support Intrauterine insemination (IUI) with acupuncture and Chinese medicine

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is often the first recommendation to patients experiencing difficulty with conception. It is more affordable and less invasive compared to IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation). It is a method which combines hormone treatment for the woman and a painless insemination procedure where washed sperm is placed directly into the uterus, followed by the natural fertilisation in the womb.

Who should consider IUI?

If you or your partner experience the below conditions, you may consider IUI as your fertility treatment:

  • Women who are under the age of 40

  • Women without blocked Fallopian tubes

  • Men who have mild sperm motility, count and morphology issues

  • Women requiring sperm donation

  • Women with cervical mucus that is too thick

  • Men with sexual or erectile dysfunctions

How does acupuncture work to support IUI?

Acupuncture is able to increase implantation and ongoing pregnancy rates when used in conjunction with IUI. Research shows improved blood flow to the reproductive system through the uterine arteries after acupuncture treatments, which may over time enhance egg quality and thickness of the endometrium (uterine lining), as well as reduce the chance of miscarriage post-IUI. Other benefits of acupuncture when used with IUI include hormonal regulation, immune system balance, reduced stress and cortisol levels, reduced side effects of medications, better response to medications, and decreased contraction of the uterus post-IUI.

Intrauterine Insemination along with acupuncture can help in the following ways:

  1. Increased blood flow to the ovaries and the uterus that can enhance implantation rates.

  2. Enhance the health of follicle and eggs.

  3. Prevent contraction in uterus thereby supporting implantation.

  4. Regulate the axis of hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary.

  5. Lower stress levels and ensuring the regulation of a sympathetic nervous system that can play a crucial part in successful pregnancy results.

  6. Decrease the fertility medications’ side effects.

How often should you do acupuncture for IUI support?

Acupuncture works before, during and after the IUI process. I recommend that treatments begin 3 months prior to the procedure. If this is not possible you should begin treatments as soon as possible. One should consider booking an acupuncture treatment and consumption of herbal formulas before fertilization and schedule an acupuncture treatment one day before and after the procedure for better results.

Evidence on acupuncture and Chinese medicine supporting Intrauterine insemination (IUI) 

Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the most sophisticated herbal systems that exists and has been used for more than two thousand years to treat gynaecological disorders including infertility. In the last decades, experimental and clinical studies have shown that the appropriate use of Chinese herbs increases fertility two-fold within a four month period[1].

A case study showed that by optimizing the uterine and ovarian health, Chinese herbal formulas works well to improve follicle count and quality[2]. The report reviewed a 43-year-old woman with diminished ovarian reserve and multiple uterus fibrosis treated with Chinese herbal medicine for 6 months and achieved a natural conception and a live birth of a healthy baby.

Study shows a significant increase in fertility when the therapies are administered side-by-side [3]. Out of the 29 women in the test group, 65.5 percent conceived, and 41.4 percent delivered healthy babies. In the control group, only 39.4 percent conceived and 26.9 percent delivered.

What are the ingredients in the herbal formulas and are they safe?

Herbal treatments rarely use single herbs, but are rather prescribed as balanced, targeted formulas to provide holistic cure and lead to a higher conception and successful pregnancy rate. After a proper diagnosis, I will select around 7-9 different ingredients among hundreds of herbs in the Chinese pharmacy that best fit your condition. 

Herbal formulas are prescribed to help enhance egg quality and sperm parameters, and to improve implantation rates and prevent miscarriage post-IUI. They are also helpful when used prior to IUI to control many of the underlying causes of infertility, including endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, high follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), poor egg quality, blocked Fallopian tubes, and immune system imbalance. Much research has been done on the effect of herbs on these individual disorders. [Read more: TCM wisdom on endometriosis and other female reproductive system abnormal growth]

Contact Us For More Information

For more information about how acupuncture, herbal therapy and other alternative healing treatments can help you, please contact AKU ENERGIJA. We are taking new patients in Novo mesto, Ljuljana and Maribor together with our associate Dr Wei from SHENG TKM.


  1. Karin Ried. Chinese herbal medicine for female infertility: an updated meta-analysis.Ried K. Complement Ther Med. 2015 Feb;23(1):116-28. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2014.12.004. Epub 2015 Jan 3.PMID: 25637159

  2. Benqi Teng, Jie Peng, Madeleine Ong and Xianqin Qu. (2017) Successful Pregnancy after Treatment with Chinese Herbal Medicine in a 43-Year-Old Woman with Diminished Ovarian Reserve and Multiple Uterus Fibrosis: A Case Report. Medicines (Basel) 2017 Mar; 4(1): 7. Published online 2017 Feb 9. doi: 10.3390/medicines4010007

  3. Sela et al. (2011) Acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment for women undergoing intrauterine insemination. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 3, Issue 2, e77–e81.


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