Pomlad je tu! Vstanimo in se malo raztegnimo. Prav tako kot na začetku pomladi začenjajo cveteti drevesa, se mi začenjamo sproščati, saj se energija v telesu začne pomikati navzgor in ven, saj je to namreč letni čas aktivnosti in dobrih novih začetkov.
Glede na tradicionalno kitajsko medicino (TKM) je to čas, ko morate še posebej skrbeti za to, da vaša jetra ostanejo zdrava in uravnotežena z letnim časom. Zato vam bom namenila nekaj nasvetov o lahkotnih stvareh, ki jih lahko sami počnete za dobro spomladansko zdravje.
Telesni sistem pomladi- jetra
Spomladi sta prevladujoča telesna sistema jetra in žolčnik. Če sta dobro oskrbljena in uravnovešena, bo imelo celotno telo takojšnje koristi in bo z nosilci zdravja okrepljeno in pripravljeno na prihajajoče obdobje.
Glede na kitajsko medicino so glavne funkcije jeter:
skladiščenje krvi,
zagotavljanje aktivacijske energije in
sklepanje čustvenih odločitev.
Ko so jetra uravnotežena in delujejo dobro, je jetrni qi miren, aktiven in pretočen. Pomaga nam, da stvari opravljamo brez prevelikega stresa.
Ko jetrni qi ne deluje dobro, je le-ta blokiran ali pa postaja izjemno premočan, zato lahko doživljamo fizične in duševne posledice. Nekdo z zamašenimi jetri lahko deluje kot vlakec smrti in prehitrega temperamenta, kjer kaže agresivno in moteno obnašanje.
Zdravje jeter ravno tako lahko opazujemo preko oči, nohtov, tetiv in ligamentov. Če oči prehitro postanejo rdeče, solzave ali srbeče, je to znak težav z jetri. Tudi če nohti postanejo hrapavi, so na njih bele črtice ali pa se na njih ponavljajo okužbe, potem je to tudi znak težav z jetri.
Spomladansko razstrupljanje jeter
Pomlad je čas novega življenja in rasti. Narava se prebuja po dolgi zimski hibernaciji, dnevi postajajo daljši, tako rastline in živali postajajo aktivnejše. Pomlad je prav tako čas začenjanja novih projektov, s katerimi smo odlašali pozimi. Kot je čas primeren za temeljito spomladansko čiščenje vaše hiše, je prav tako primeren za manjše spomladansko čiščenje vašega telesa. Zato spomladi uživajte poživljajočo hrano, kot je mlada, nadzemna zelena zelenjava.
Regrat: dober za čiščenje jeter in vranice. Super za ljudi, ki imajo težave z aknami.
Zelena: Osvežilna zelenjava, ki zbudi in spodbuja pretok qi energije. Ne pozabite je blago skuhati. Vendar morajo biti ljudje z želodčnimi težavami še vedno previdni
Zeleni mungo fižol: blaga zelenjava za čiščenje jeter in sečil
Sojini kalčki: okusna zelenjava, ki krepi jetra in vranico
Mladi listi goji jagod: sotirajte jih ali iz njih naredite juho. Odlični so za naše oči.
Okus pomladi- kislo
Glede na 5 osnovnih elementov je kislost povezana z jetri. To pomeni, da okušanje kislega vpliva na delovanje jeter in je z njimi tesno povezano. To ne pomeni, da moramo spomladi jesti več kisle hrane! Kisla hrana v manjših količinah pospeši aktivnost jeter, vendar kakorkoli, preveč le-te bo jetra naredilo premočna, kar bo med organi povzročilo neravnovesje. Primeri kisle hrane vključujejo limone, limete, kislo zelje, vložene kumarice in kis. Če pa ste velik oboževalec takšne hrane, potem bi bilo pametno nekoliko omejiti njihov vnos.
Telovadba in raztegovanje
Glede na TKM so jetra odgovorna za aktiven qi ter pretok in skladiščenje krvi. Ko se ta dva gibljeta brez nadzora, ne občutimo bolečine, bolezni, ali duševnih/čustvenih težav. Eden izmed najboljših načinov, kako lahko pomagate delovanju svojih jeter, je, da svoje telo razgibavate z lahkotno telovadbo in raztegovanjem, skozi dejavnosti kot so joga, taichi in qigong. Spravite prah s svoje podloge za jogo in se spravite na uro joge. Do trgovine pojdite s kolesom ali pa pojdite na dolg sprehod, da bosta krožila kri, ki bo nahranila vaše mišice ter tetiva, in qi energija. Bodite previdni, če sta vaša kri in qi šibka, ter se izogibajte intenzivnim športom, kot so tek, kolesarjenje na dolge razdalje, intenzivno pohodništvo prav tako morda tudi ne bi bilo primerno, morda celo škodljivo.
Nosite šal in pripravite si tanjšo jakno
Spomladi je vreme precej nepredvidljivo, zato moramo biti previdnejši kar se tiče izpostavljanja hladnemu in podhladitvam. Glede na TKM sta hitro spreminjanje in nepredvidljivost narave kot ‘veter’. Veter je eden izmed šestih pogostih zunanjih bolezenskih dejavnikov (Veter, Hlad, Vročina, Vlaga, Suhost in Poletna vročina) in je povezan s pomladjo. Telesni deli, na katere veter najbolj vpliva, so zgornji del hrbta, vrat in glava. Nošenje šala ali puloverja s kapuco, še posebej ko je vetrovno ali ko odhajate z zdravljenja z akupunkturo, lahko pomaga preprečiti posledice vetrnega napada.
Običajni simptomi posledic vetrnega napada so:
Običajen prehlad
Alergije in izpuščaji
Izražajte se in obvladujte svoja čustva
Čustvo jeter je jeza. Medtem ko so vsa čustva, vključno z jezo, zdrava in se morajo pojavljati v vsakem izmed nas, so dalj časa trajajoča čustva ali pa nesposobnost spoprijemanja z njimi škodljiva. V tem letnem času se morda veliko ljudi počuti nepojasnljivo razdražljive ali brezvoljne. To morda pomeni, da je vaš jetrni sistem šibek. Pomembno je to vedeti, sprejeti in izraziti svoja čustva na zdrav način. Naučite se videti stvari s širše perspektive, sprejeti temno stran stvari, nato nanjo pozabiti in se oprijeti dobrosrčnosti.
Akupunktura in zeliščarstvo
Seveda, tudi o tem vam bom povedala nekaj stvari. Veliko izmed zgoraj naštetih nasvetov je osnovnih in niso pretežki za samostojno izvedbo. Vendar včasih potrebujete globlje čiščenje in strukturno regeneracijo, ki zahteva pomoč profesionalca. Predstavljajte si prenavljanje svoje hiše, ne bi se ga lotili sami, če dejansko ne bi imeli znanja in orodja, mar ne?
Akupunktura in kitajsko zeliščarstvo pomagata jetrom, in sicer spodbujata funkcije jeter, tako da se qi in kri pretakata, medtem ko sočasno osvobajata kakršenkoli zagozden qi ali kri ter omogočata, da jetra primerno delujejo.
Tu je nekaj znakov, ki akupunkturista opozarjajo, da morda vaša jetra trpijo za disharmonijo:
Nepravilnostih na nohtih rok ali nog
Napetost v vratu ali ramenih
Težave z vidom ali očmi
Težave z žolčnikom
Nov letni čas je tu in upam, da vam bodo ti nasveti koristili. Uživajte v energiji pomladi!
Healthy Tips for Spring
Spring is here! Let’s get up and stretch out. Just as the trees and shrubs start budding with the onset of spring, we start to loosen up as energy in the body begins to move up and out. It is the season of activity and good beginning. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), that it is time for you to take special care of your Liver to stay healthy and in balance with the season. I'm going to give you some easy things to do to keep you in good health during this time of year.
The Body System of Spring- Liver
The Liver and the Gallbladder are the governating system during spring. If the Liver and Gallbladder are well supported and balanced during spring, the entire body will benefit immediately and be set up with a healthy foundation in the seasons to come.
According to Chinese medicine, the main functions of the Liver are:
to store blood,
provide activation energy and
to make emotional decision.
When the Liver is balanced and functioning well, the Liver qi is smooth, active and floating. It helps us get things done without stress.
When the Liver is not functioning well, or the qi is trapped or getting excessively strong, we can experience physical and emotional consequences. Someone with a congested Liver may be operating on an emotional roller coaster, being quick on temper or even showing aggressive and compulsive behavior.
We can also observe the health of Liver in our eyes, nails, tendons and ligaments. If one’s eyes are easily red, watery or itchy, this is a sign of Liver issue. Also, if one’s nails are rough, showing white strips or having recurrent infection, this is also a Liver problem.
Liver Detox For Springtime
Spring is the time for new life and growth. Nature is waking up after the Winter hibernation, daylight is getting longer, both plants and animals are getting more active. Spring is usually the time we start working on some of the projects that we put off during the winter. Like a good spring cleaning of your house, now is the perfect time to do a little spring cleaning on your body. Spring is the season to eat food with upward energies, such as young, green, sprouting above-ground vegetables.
Dandelion: Good cleansing for Liver and Spleen. Good for someone with acne problem.
Celery: A refreshing vegetable to awake and prompt the Qi circulation. Remember to gently cook it. People with stomach problem should be careful though.
Mung bean sprout: Gentle vegetable for liver and urinary tract cleaning.
Soy sprout: A tasty vegetable that support liver and spleen.
Young goji leaf: Stir fry or make a soup with goji leaf. It is good for our eyes.
The Flavour of Spring- Sour
According to the five elements, sour is associated with the Liver. This means that the sour flavor is associated with the Liver and affects the Liver. It does not mean that we need to eat more sour foods in Spring! Sour in small amounts boost the Liver activity, however, too much will make the Liver too strong and cause imbalance between the organs. Examples of sour foods include lemons, limes, sour cabbage, pickles and vinegar. If you are a big fan of these food, then it is a good idea to restrict the amount of these.
Exercise and Stretching
According to TCM, the Liver is responsible for the active flow of Qi and the storage of Blood. When these two things are moving freely, we aren't experiencing pain, illness, or mental/emotional problems. One of the best ways to help your Liver working smoothly is to move your body with gentle exercise and stretching like yoga, taichi and qigong. Dust off that yoga mat and get to a class. Ride your bike to the store or take a long walk to get the blood moving to nourish your muscles and tendons and to keep that Qi moving. Be aware that if you are weak in Blood and Qi energy, intensive sports like running, long distance cycling, intensive hiking might not be suitable to you or even harmful.
Wear a scarf and prepare a thin jacket
In Springtime the weather is unpredictable and so we need to be more careful about exposure to cold or getting chilled. According to TCM, the fast changing and unpredictable nature is like the “wind”. Wind is one of the six common external pathogenic factor (Wind, Cold, Heat, Damp, Dryness, and Summer Heat), and it is the associated with spring.
The most easily affected body part by the Wind factor are on the upper back, neck, and head.
Wearing a scarf or hoodie, especially when it’s windy or after an acupuncture treatment, can help prevent wind attack.
Common symptoms of wind attack:
common cold
nasal obstruction
allergies and rashes
Express yourself and manage your emotions
The emotion of the Liver is anger. While all the emotions, including anger, are healthy and should be naturally occurring in all of us, prolonged emotions or the inability to cope with them is damaging. A lot of us might feel inexplicably irritable or slobby this time of year. It might mean your Liver system sluggish. It is important to acknowledge, accept, and express feelings in a healthy way. Learn to view things in a broader perspective, accept the dark sides of matters then let go and hold on to the good faith.
Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Yes, of course I will mention this. Many of the above mentions tips are basic and easy to do by yourself. But sometimes you need deeper cleaning and structural regeneration which require help from a professional. Imagine having the renovation of your house, you would not do it by yourself if you do not actually have the skills and tools, right?
Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine help the Liver. They help to boost the function of the Liver to move the Qi and Blood while simultaneously freeing up any "stuck" Qi or Blood to allow the Liver to function properly.
Here are some of the signs which would indicate to an acupuncturist that you may have a Liver disharmony.
High Blood Pressure
Headache or Migraine
Finger or Toe Nail Abnormalities
Neck and Shoulder Tension
Vision or Eye Problems
Gallbladder Issues
PMS & Menstrual Pain
It's a new season, and I hope these tips are useful. Enjoy the energy of spring!