Ko se poletje poslavlja in se dnevna svetloba postopoma krajša, prehajamo iz toplega in ekspanzivnega janga poletja v hladen in krčljiv jin zime. Dnevi postajajo krajši in hladnejši, listje se suši in odpada. Narava in tudi človeško telo se začneta krčiti, ponotranjati. Huang Di Nei Jing, klasika tradicionalne kitajske medicine, ki govori predvsem o ohranjanju zdravja in je bila napisana pred več kot 2000 leti, priporoča, da svoj življenjski slog prilagodimo različnim letnim časom.

Kitajska medicina in jesen
V naravi so letni časi bistvenega pomena. Letni časi določajo, kdaj rastline rastejo in kdaj venijo, kdaj živali zbirajo hrano in kdaj se skrivajo. Zato je smiselno, da imajo letni časi pri naravnem, celostnem zdravljenju pomembno vlogo tudi za nas. V skladu z načelom usklajevanja z naravo (天人合一), ki velja v TKM, človeška fiziologija sledi biološkemu ritmu in se nanj odziva. Ljudje in narava si izmenjujemo informacije in energijo. Zavedanje subtilnih sprememb v naravi nam omogoča, da razumemo svoje notranje procese in se zavestno uglasimo z energijo letnega časa.
Pomlad rodi, poletje goji, jesen pobira in zima shranjuje. 春生, 夏長, 秋收, 冬藏
Jesen je letni čas, ko je vse v stanju notranjega krčenja. Rastline začnejo odmirati ali hibernirati, vreme pa postane hladnejše in bolj suho. Jesen je tradicionalno sezona žetve. Naša telesa začnejo spravljati in zbirati energijo za hladnejše mesece ter jo začnejo premeščati navzdol. Jang (aktivno, svetlo, vroče), ki prevladuje poleti, se začne umikati jinu (tiho, temno, hladno), ki prevladuje pozimi. Jesen je obdobje, ko iz telesa odstranimo odvečno vročino in ga začnemo segrevati od znotraj, da bi se pripravili na hladnejše mesece. Jesen je letni čas, ki ustreza sončnemu zahodu čez dan. Po kitajskem sončnem sistemu se jesen začne 7. avgusta 立秋. Sledi konec vročine 23. avgusta 處暑, bela rosa 8. septembra 白露, jesensko enakonočje 23. septembra 秋分, hladna rosa 8. oktobra 寒露 in tvorjenje zmrzali 23. oktobra 霜降.
[Preberi več: Zimski solsticij: razumevanje in zdravstveni nasveti] [Preberi več: Jin jang filozofija in duševno zdravje]
Kaj početi jeseni, da bi optimizirali zdravje?
Drugo poglavje dela Huang Di Nei Jing, Su Wen, ima naslov Velika razprava o uravnavanju duha s štirimi letnimi časi (四氣調神大論). V tem poglavju so podani osnovni opisi štirih letnih časov in kako se na podlagi teorij jin-Jang in petih faz uskladimo z vsakim od njih. Spodaj navajamo, kaj je zapisano o skrbi za zdravje jeseni:
"V treh jesenskih mesecih je narava bogata in mirna. Qi v ozračju se hitro spreminja. Qi zemlje postane svetel. Zgodaj pojdite k počitku in zgodaj vstanite, vstanite skupaj s kokošmi. Naj bo um miren in spokojen, da bi ublažili jesensko žalost. Pridobite duha, da uravnovesite jesensko moč. Misli ne usmerjajte v zunanjost, da bodo Pljuča ostala čista. To je skladnost z močjo jeseni in je pot za negovanje zbiranja. Nasprotovanje temu škoduje pljučem in povzroča šibko prebavo ter nezadostno skladiščenje energije pozimi."
Kaj natančno to pomeni? Brez skrbi, v nadaljevanju to prevedimo v dejanski akcijski načrt.
Nasveti za skrb zase v jesenskem času
Umirite um Jesen je čas za samorefleksijo, še posebej za samorefleksijo, ki prinaša notranjo tišino. Izvajajte dihalne vaje, da bi se ponovno osredotočili na svojo notranjost. Po razburljivih poletnih dneh je čas, da se vrnemo k običajni rutini. Osredotočite se na ohranjanje zdravih navad in produktivno delovanje v službi ali šoli. Jesen je odličen čas za pregled vseh stvari v vašem življenju. Opustite staro in naredite prostor za novo; stara oblačila podarite v dobrodelne namene; počistite računalnik in izbrišite vse, česar ne potrebujete več. Jeseni je pomembno telovaditi, vendar se izogibajte preveč napornemu gibanju in pretiranemu potenju. Enako velja za hrano, ne pregrevajte telesa z ocvrto hrano ali hrano z žara. [Preberi več: Preproste vaje čuječnosti] [Preberi več: Koristi taj čija]
Pojdite zgodaj spat in se zgodaj zbudite Ker je dan vse krajši, se zvečer umirite in se pripravite na zgodnejši odhod v posteljo. Na splošno pozno zvečer trening ni priporočljiv. Če je dan razdeljen na štiri dele kot leto, potem sončni zahodi ustrezajo jeseni. Ko sonce vzide, se aktivira energija jang, tako kot v spomladanskem času. Ko sonce zaide, se jang naravno umakne v svoje skladišče globoko v telesu, da se spočije in napolni z energijo. Bistvo jesenskega zdravja je v zbiranju in ohranjanju energije za pripravo na zimo. Po drugi strani pa vstanite zgodaj, da pred dolgo in temno zimo ujamete več dnevne svetlobe in izkoristite energijo jang. [Preberi več: Nasveti za dobro spanje: pristop TKM]
Zaščitite in ohranite svojo energijo Jesen je začetek sezone prehladov in gripe. Čas je, da opustite svojo najljubšo poletno solato, hladno pijačo in sladoled. Poleti nam topla jang narava letnega časa pomaga pri prebavi surove hrane. Ko pa se temperature začnejo spuščati, morate uživati več kuhane in ogrevalne hrane. S tem preprečite dodatno obremenitev prebave in vranice ter pomagate telesu, da varčuje z energijo in se zaščiti pred boleznimi. Če začnete dobivati mrzlico ali se počutite, kot da ste se začeli prehlajati, lahko živila, kot so svež ingver, zelena čebula in vroč rižev kondži, pomagajo, da se vaš obrambni qi dvigne na površje telesa in se bori proti zunanjim povzročiteljem bolezni. Vključite tudi bogat jesenski pridelek, kot so žita, kaki, hruške, jabolka, buče, orehi, kostanj, in začnite pripravljati kislo zelje. [Preberi več: Hrano je potrebno skuhati – tradicionalna kitajska medicina pojasni prebavni sistem] [Preberi več: Riž - izvor energije Qi]
Nosite šal in več plasti oblačil Jeseni se temperaturne razlike povečujejo. Začeti moramo nositi več plasti oblačil, da se pripravimo na hitre in močne spremembe zunanje temperature. Vedno si zaščitite vrat, spodnji del hrbta, kolena in gležnje, da ohranite obrambno moč in vitalno energijo. [Preberi več: TKM zdravljenje hladnih rok in stopal]
Po mnenju kitajske medicine je najboljši način za ohranjanje zdravja spoznavanje narave vsakega letnega časa in življenje v harmoniji z njegovim duhom. Če živimo v harmoniji s svetom okoli nas, vidimo, da se narava upočasnjuje in krči ter se pripravlja na počitek, zato je dobro, da tudi mi storimo enako. Spimo malo dlje, jejmo toplo, hranljivo hrano in se usmerimo vase - posvečajmo posebno pozornost svojemu notranjemu življenju. Zaradi vnaprejšnjega razmišljanja in zgodnje priprave je zdravstvena oskrba tako enostavna. Sedaj je odličen čas, da se posvetujete z zdravnikom TKM, ki vam lahko pomaga z akupunkturo in zeliščnimi formulami, ki krepijo vašo odpornost, prebavo in izboljšujejo zdravje v skladu z vašimi osebnimi potrebami.
Chinese Medicine health tips for Autumn
As the Summer fades and the daylight gradually shorten, we are now in a transition from the warm and expansive Yang of Summer toward the cold contracting Yin of Winter. Days become shorter and colder, leaves dry up and fall. Nature, as well as the human body, begin to contract, to internalize. Huang Di Nei Jing, a Traditional Chinese Medical classic that talks primarily about health preservation written over 2000 years ago, recommends that we should adjust our lifestyles according to the different seasons.
Chinese Medicine and Autumn
In nature, the seasons are everything. Seasons determine when plants grow and when they wither, when animals gather food and when they hide away. So it makes sense that in natural, holistic healing, the seasons play an important role for us. According to the TCM principle of harmonizing with nature (天人合一), human physiology follows and responds to biological rhythm. Humans and nature exchange information and energy. Being aware of the subtle changes in nature allows us to understand our inner processes and tune in consciously with the energy of the season.
Spring gives birth, Summer grows, Autumn harvests and Winter stores. 春生, 夏長, 秋收, 冬藏
Autumn is the season when everything is in a state of inward contraction. Plants start to die or to hibernate, and the weather becomes cooler and drier. Autumn traditionally is the season of harvest. Our bodies begin to harvest and gather energy for the colder months and begin to move it down. Yang (active, bright, hot), which is dominant in Summer, starts giving way to Yin (quiet, dark, cold), which is dominant in Winter. Autumn is the season for clearing any excess heat from the body and then starts warming it from the inside, in preparation for the colder months. Autumn is the time of year that corresponds to sunset during the day. According to the Chinese solar terms, Autumn begins on the 7th of August 立秋. Followed by the End Of Heat 23rd of August 處暑, White Dew 8th of September 白露, Autumn Equinox 23rd of September 秋分, Cold Dew 8th of October 寒露 and Descend of Frost 23rd of October 霜降.
[Read more: Winter solstice: Insights and healthcare tips] [Read more: Yin Yang philosophy and mental health]
What to do in Autumn to optimize health?
The second chapter of the Huang Di Nei Jing, Su Wen section is titled The Great Treatise on Regulating the Spirit with the Four Seasons (四氣調神大論). This chapter gives basic descriptions of the four seasons and, based on Yin-Yang and Five Phases theories, how we harmonize ourselves with each. Here is what it said about Autumn healthcare:
“The three months of Autumn, nature is abundant and calm. The Qi in the atmosphere is fast changing. The Qi of the earth becomes bright. Go to rest early and rise early, get up together with the chicken. Let the mind be peaceful and tranquil, so as to soften the sorrow in Autumn. Retrive the spirit to balance the Autumn power. Do not direct your mind to the outside so it keeps the Lung clear. This is correspondence with the power of autumn and it is the Way to nourish gathering. Opposing it harms the lung and causes weak digestion and insufficient energy storage in the Winter.”
What does this mean exactly? No worries, let’s translate this into an actual action plan below.
Self Care Tips for Autumn
Calm the Mind Autumn is the time for self reflection, especially self reflection that brings about inner quiet. Do breathing exercise to bring your attention back to your inner self. After the hype of Summer days, it is time to get back to the usual routine. Focus on keeping your healthy habits and productive performance at work or school. Autumn is the perfect time to take stock of all things in your life. Let go of the old, make room for the new; donate old clothes to charity; clean out your computer deleting anything you no longer need. It is important to exercise in Autumn but avoid anything too strenuous and excessive sweating. The same goes for food, do not over heat up your body with deep fried or grilled food. [Read more: Simple mindfulness exercises] [Read more: The benefits of Tai Chi]
Go to Bed Early and Wake Early As the daylight is getting shorter, wind down in the evening and prepare to go to sleep earlier. In general, late evening training is not advisable. If a day is divided in the four sections like a year, then the sunset correspond to the Autumn. When the sun rises, Yang energy is activated, just like the Spring time. When the sun sets, Yang naturally recedes to its storing place deep into the body, to rest and be refuelled. The key of Autumn health is about gathering and preserving energy to prepare for Winter. On the other hand, do get up early to catch more daylight before the long and dark Winter to utilize the Yang energy. [Read more: Sleep tips: TCM approach]
Protect and preserve your energy Autumn is the beginning of cold and flu season. It’s time to retire your favorite summer salad, cold drink and ice-cream. In the summer, the warm yang nature of the season helps us digest raw foods. But as temperatures begin to drop, you should eat more cooked and warming foods. This prevents further strain on your digestion and Spleen, and helps your body conserve energy to protect itself from illness. If you start to get chills or feel like you’re beginning to catch a cold, foods such as fresh ginger, green onions and hot rice congee can help to bring your defensive Qi to the surface of the body to fight off external pathogens. And do incorporate the abundant Autumn harvest like grains, persimmon, pear, apple, pumkins, walnut, chestnut and start making sauerkraut. [Read more: Cook your food - digestive system explained in Traditional Chinese medicine] [Read more: Rice- the origin of Qi energy]
Wear scarf and layers of clothes The temperature difference is widening in Autumn. We should begin layering more clothes to prepare for the fast and strong changes of external temperature. Always protect your neck, lower back, knees and ankles to keep your defensive power and vital energy. [Read more: TCM Treatment For Cold Hand And Feet]
The best way to stay healthy according to Chinese medicine, is learning about the nature of each season and living in harmony with its spirit. If we are living in harmony with the world around us, we see that nature is slowing down and contracting, preparing to rest so it is good for us to do the same. Sleeping a little longer, eating warming, nourishing foods, and moving inward – paying extra attention to our internal lives. Forward thinking and early preparation makes healthcare so easy. Now is the perfect time to connect with a TCM practitioner, who can support you with acupuncture and herbal formulas that enhance your immunity, digestion and health improvement according to your personal needs.