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Akupunktura in TKM za bolečine v vratu in ramenih

Writer's picture: Aku EnergijaAku Energija

Bolečina v vratu ali cervikalgija lahko traja od nekaj dni do več let, odvisno od njenega vzroka. Pogosti vzroki so fizični napor, slaba drža, duševni stres, osteoartritis, stenoza hrbtenice, hernija diska, ukleščen živec in druga zdravstvena stanja. Akupunktura in drugi postopki zdravljenja bolečin v vratu in drugih mišično-skeletnih obolenj po metodi TKM so se izkazali za zelo učinkovite pri lajšanju bolečin in togega vratu.

Akupunktura kaže dobre učinke pri bolečinah v vratu

Novi dokazi so pokazali, da je akupunktura pri bolečinah v vratu lahko učinkovita.

  • V članku iz leta 2021 [1] so poudarjene predhodne raziskave o akupunkturi in drugih dopolnilnih terapijah, kot sta suha igla in ventuze. V njem je bilo ugotovljeno, da vse tri metode verjetno prinašajo koristi.

  • Obstajajo tudi dokazi, da lahko akupunktura pomaga zmanjšati raven stresa, kar bi lahko imelo pri nekaterih posameznikih vlogo pri zmanjševanju bolečin v vratu. [2]

  • Metaanaliza iz leta 2020 je pokazala zmerne dokaze, ki podpirajo uporabo akupunkture pri bolečinah v vratu. Analiza vključuje šest randomiziranih nadzorovanih raziskav, ki so vse poročale o zmanjšanju bolečine v vratu v primerjavi s placebom in brez zdravljenja. [3]

Kako se izvaja akupunkturo za boleč in tog vrat

Zdravljenje z akupunkturo se lahko zelo razlikuje glede na metode izvajalca in strategijo zdravljenja. V večini primerov akupunkturist najprej povpraša o bolnikovih simptomih, prehrani in vsakodnevni rutini, kar mu lahko pomaga pri izbiri najučinkovitejših točk na telesu za namestitev igel.

Tudi če so simptomi bolečine in togosti le v predelu vratu, se lahko igle poleg na vrat namestijo tudi na druge dele telesa. Odvisno od metode zdravljenja se lahko pacienta prosi, da leži na trebuhu, hrbtu ali sedi v naslonjenem položaju.

Običajno zdravljenje z akupunkturo traja od 15 do 30 minut. Predvaja se lahko sproščujoča glasba, ki poskrbi za mirno in sproščujoče okolje. Po končanem zdravljenju se tanke igle odstranijo in zavržejo.

Priporočeno trajanje in pogostost seans akupunkture sta lahko odvisna od tega, kako dolgo že trajajo bolečine in togost v vratu, ter od resnosti simptomov. Na koncu je odločitev odvisna od bolnika - ali so zaznane koristi zdravljenja z akupunkturo vredne nadaljevanja.

Akupunktura z moksibustijo in zeliščno medicino za celostno zdravljenje bolečin v vratu

Eden najučinkovitejših načinov zdravljenja togosti vratu po metodi TKM je kombinacija akupunkture in moksibustije. Tudi sama moksibustija je primerna za zdravljenje najrazličnejših stanj. Gre za žganje posušenega pelina (mokse) na površini kože, ki je usmerjeno na določene akupunkturne točke. Podobno kot akupunktura je cilj muksibustije ponovna vzpostavitev pretoka vitalne energije, hkrati pa spodbuja telo, da proizvaja naravna protibolečinska sredstva. Kombinacija akupunkture in mokse je uporabna za odpravljanje šibkosti in utrujenosti zaradi bolečin v vratu. Ta metoda se uporablja tudi za zdravljenje drugih vrst bolečin, kot so išias, zamrznjena rama, tendonitis (vnetje tetive) in fibromialgija.

Za lajšanje simptomov bolečega vratu so lahko koristne določene kitajske zeliščne formule. Na voljo so tako v peroralnih kot tudi v topikalnih oblikah ter so odlične za zdravljenje degenerativnih diskovnih motenj in drugih ortopedskih težav, s katerimi se morda soočate.

Strokovnjak za kitajsko zeliščarstvo vam bo na podlagi vašega stanja priporočil edinstveno zeliščno formulo. Ni priporočljivo, da zeliščna zdravila jemljete sami, saj lahko nekatera med njimi povzročijo neželene učinke. Pred kakršno koli uporabo se posvetujte s svojim zeliščarjem.

Nasveti za samopomoč za lajšanje bolečin v vratu

Poleg zdravljenja z akupunkturo lahko zategnjen vrat ublažite tudi z izboljšanjem drže, položaja med spanjem in vajami proti bolečinam v vratu. Tukaj je nekaj načinov odpravljanja bolečin v vratu, kar lahko dosežete s samopomočjo doma.

Izboljšajte svojo držo

Mišice vratu morajo delovati v tandemu, da držijo glavo stabilno, ko se upogiba in obrača v vse smeri. Dandanes ljudje več ur gledamo dol v telefone ali elektronske naprave. Ko je glava nagnjena naprej pod kotom 45 stopinj, se močno poveča obremenitev vratnih in ramenskih mišic, ki nosijo težo. Te težave se morda ne boste mogli popolnoma znebiti, vendar lahko zavedanje načina, kako sedite, stojite in nagibate glavo navzdol, pripomore k izboljšanju stanja. Svojo pisalno mizo nastavite z najboljšo ergonomijo, ki jo lahko dosežete, in poskrbite, da bo zaslon v ravni liniji z vašimi očmi. Pri brskanju po telefonu poskusite le-tega držati višje. Pogosto si vmes vzemite odmor; poglejte navzgor in nežno raztegnite vrat, da sprostite napetost.

Vaja za raztezanje vratnih mišic in krepitev mišic jedra

Upognite vrat do točke blage napetosti v vsako smer: najprej nagnite glavo povsem navzdol in naprej, nato povsem nazaj (ne tako daleč, da bi to povzročilo nelagodje), nato pa jo nagnite še na desno in na levo stran. V vsakem položaju vztrajajte pet vdihov. Tako boste raztegnili vratne mišice in izboljšali obseg gibanja. Ko že nekaj časa sedite za pisalno mizo, si vzemite odmor, vstanite, sklenite roke za hrbtom in poglejte čez vsako ramo proti peti.

Združite druge oblike vadbe, kot so joga, taiči, ba duan jin, da izboljšate koordinacijo mišic in moč mišic jedra. To vam bo pomagalo pri popravljanju drže in doseganju boljše biomehanike gibanja, s čimer se zmanjša verjetnost poškodb mišic ali mehkih tkiv.

Najboljši položaj spanja pri bolečinah v vratu

Pravilna namestitev glave in vratu med spanjem je ključnega pomena za preprečevanje bolečin v vratu. Najbolje je spati na hrbtu ali na boku. Ne spite na trebuhu, saj to prisili glavo, da se zasuka v eno smer, kar povzroči dolgotrajno zatiranje mehkih tkiv vratu.

Najpomembneje je, da vzglavnik podpira vrat. Marsikdo si glavo pogosto previsoko podpre na več vzglavnikih. Če spite na hrbtu, lahko pod vratom uporabite blazino v obliki zvitka, pod glavo pa bolj sploščeno blazino. Vzglavniki, ki se prilagajajo obliki vratu in glave, se lahko dobro obnesejo tudi pri tistih, ki spite na boku; lahko izberete vzglavnik, polnjen s perjem ali ajdo, ali vzglavnik iz spominske pene. Poleg položaja je zmožnost dobrega nočnega počitka bistvena za zdravljenje in preprečevanje vseh vrst bolečin in vnetij mišično-skeletnega sistema. Če imate težave s spanjem, vam lahko akupunkturist pri tem pomaga sočasno z zdravljenjem bolečin v vratu.


  1. Berger AA, Liu Y, Mosel L, Champagne KA, Ruoff MT, Cornett EM, Kaye AD, Imani F, Shakeri A, Varrassi G, Viswanath O, Urits I. Efficacy of Dry Needling and Acupuncture in the Treatment of Neck Pain. Anesth Pain Med. 2021 Apr 3;11(2):e113627. doi: 10.5812/aapm.113627. PMID: 34336626; PMCID: PMC8314077.

  2. Sparrow K, Golianu B. Does acupuncture reduce stress over time? A clinical heart rate variability study in hypertensive patients. Med Acupunct. 2014; 26(5):286-294.

  3. Arwa M. Farag, Alberto Malacarne, Sarah E. Pagni, George E. Maloney, The effectiveness of acupuncture in the management of persistent regional myofascial head and neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 49, 2020,


Acupuncture and TCM for neck and shoulder pain

Neck pain, or cervicalgia, can last from days to years, depending on the cause. Common causes include physical strain, poor posture, mental stress, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, herniated disk, pinched nerve and other health conditions. Acupuncture and other TCM treatments for neck pain and other musculoskeletal disorders have been shown to be highly effective for relief of pain and stiff neck.

Acupuncture Show Good Effects For Neck Pain

Emerging evidence suggests that acupuncture for neck pain may be effective.

  • A 2021 paper [1] highlights prior research on acupuncture as well as other complementary therapies, such as dry needling and cupping. It concluded that all three likely offer benefits.

  • There is also evidence that acupuncture can help reduce stress levels, which might play a role in reducing neck pain in some individuals. [2]

  • A 2020 meta-analysis found moderate evidence to support the use of acupuncture for neck pain. The analysis included six randomized controlled trials, all of which reported a reduction in neck pain compared to a placebo and no treatment. [3]

How Acupuncture Is Applied for Neck Pain and Stiffness

Acupuncture treatments can vary widely based on the practitioner’s methods and treatment strategy. In most cases, the acupuncturist starts by asking about the patient’s symptoms, diet, and daily routine, which may give clues about the most effective points on the body to place the needles.

Even when symptoms of pain and stiffness are only in the neck area, the needles may be placed in other areas of the body in addition to the neck. Depending on treatment method, the patient might be asked to lie on the stomach, back, or sit in a reclined position.

It is common for an acupuncture treatment session to last somewhere between 15 and 30 minutes. Relaxing music might be played to help keep the environment calm and soothing. After the treatment is completed, the thin needles are removed and disposed.

The recommended duration and frequency of acupuncture sessions may depend on how long the neck pain and stiffness have already lasted, as well as the severity of symptoms. Ultimately, the decision is up to the patient as to whether the perceived benefits of the acupuncture treatments are worth continuing.

Acupuncture with Moxibustion and Herbal Medicine For A Holistic Neck Pain Treatment

One of the most efficient TCM treatments for neck stiffness is the combination of acupuncture and moxibustion. Moxibustion itself is also convenient for treating a wide variety of conditions. It involves the burning of the dried mugwort (moxa) on the skin’s surface, targeting the specific acupoints. Like acupuncture, it aims at re-establishing the flow of vital energy while encouraging the body to produce natural painkillers. The combination of acupuncture and moxa is useful for eliminating weakness, and fatigue due to the neck pain. This method is also used for treating other types of pain like sciatica, frozen shoulder, tendonitis, and fibromyalgia.

Specific Chinese herbal formulae can be useful for alleviating the symptoms of the sore neck. They come in both oral and topical formulations, and they are excellent for treating degenerative disc disorders and other orthopedic problems you may be facing.

A professional Chinese herbalist will recommend a unique herbal formula based on your condition. It’s not recommended to take herbal remedies on your own since some of them can cause side effects. Consult your herbalist before taking any action.

Self Help Tips for Neck Pain Relief

Besides from acupuncture treatment, you can also get some stiff neck relief by improving your posture, sleeping position and by practicing neck pain exercises. Here are some neck pain remedies you can achieve through self care at home.

Improve Your Posture

The muscles of the neck must work in tandem to hold the head steady as it bends and turns in all directions. Nowadays people look down their phones or electronic devices for hours at a time. When the head is bent forward at a 45 degree angle, the strain of the neck and shoulder muscles carrying the weight is increased dramatically. You may not be able to get away from this problem entirely, but becoming aware of the way you sit, stand, and tilt your head downward can help improve the situation. Set up your desk with the best ergonomics you can manage, ensuring that your screen is level with your eyes. Try holding your phone higher when scrolling. Take breaks often; look up, and gently stretch the neck to release tension.

Exercise to Stretch Neck Muscles and Strengthen the Core Muscles

Flex your neck to point of gentle tension in each direction: first bending the head all the way down and forward, then all the way back (not so far as to cause discomfort), then tilting to the right side and the left side. Hold in each position for five breaths. This will help stretch the neck muscles and improve your range of motion. After you’ve been sitting at your desk for a while, take and break, stand up, clasp your hands behind your back and look over each shoulder toward your heel.

Combine other forms of exercise like Yoga, TaiChi, Ba Duan Jin to improve your muscles coordination and the power of your core muscles. This would help with correcting posture and achieve better biomechanics of movement, thus less likely to hurt the muscles or soft tissues.

Best Way to Sleep with Neck Pain

The correct positioning of the head and neck during your night’s sleep is key to preventing neck pain. It’s best to sleep either on your back or side. Do not sleeping on your belly as it forces your head to turn one way and cause long term suppression to the neck soft tissues.

The most important thing is to make sure that the neck is supported by your pillow. People often prop the head up too high on multiple pillows. If you sleep on your back, you might want to use a roll-shaped cushion under your neck and then a flatter pillow under your head. Pillows that conform to the shape of the neck and head can work well for side sleepers; you might choose a feather or buckwheat-filled pillow, or one made of memory foam. Aside from positioning, the ability to get a good night’s rest is vital for healing and preventing all types of musculoskeletal pain and inflammation. If you are having trouble sleeping, your acupuncturist may help with that at the same time as treating neck pain.


  1. Berger AA, Liu Y, Mosel L, Champagne KA, Ruoff MT, Cornett EM, Kaye AD, Imani F, Shakeri A, Varrassi G, Viswanath O, Urits I. Efficacy of Dry Needling and Acupuncture in the Treatment of Neck Pain. Anesth Pain Med. 2021 Apr 3;11(2):e113627. doi: 10.5812/aapm.113627. PMID: 34336626; PMCID: PMC8314077.

  2. Sparrow K, Golianu B. Does acupuncture reduce stress over time? A clinical heart rate variability study in hypertensive patients. Med Acupunct. 2014; 26(5):286-294.

  3. Arwa M. Farag, Alberto Malacarne, Sarah E. Pagni, George E. Maloney, The effectiveness of acupuncture in the management of persistent regional myofascial head and neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 49, 2020,

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