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Holesterol in tradicionalna kitajska medicina: 2. del (2/2) - zdravljenje in študija primera

Updated: Nov 24, 2022

Ta članek analizira energetsko naravo holesterola s številnih perspektiv in te rezultate nato združi v celotno sliko najboljših načinov diagnosticiranja in zdravljenja hiperholesterolemije.

Pomembno je poudariti, da je holesterol del normalne telesne fiziologije in je zato obravnavan kot del zheng Qi (normalna količina qi). Šele ko je holesterola v telesu preveč, se ta spreobrne v xie Qi (bolezensko stanje).

Patološka narava visoke ravni holesterola z vidika TKM

Odvečni toksini:

  1. Vlažna vročina v jetrih in žolčniku

  2. Stagnacija jetrnega qi in srčne krvi

  3. Kanali so blokirani z motno sluzjo

  4. Staza srčne krvi [Preberite si kako si TKM pomaga pri pomanjkanju krvi]

Šibkost sistema:

  1. Pomanjkanje ledvične in jetrne vodne energije, kar ima za posledico to, da tekočina oz. voda v telesu postane previskozna, zato se tudi zatika v vodnih kanalih in krvožilju

  2. Šibka vranična qi energija (moč cirkulacije), kar povzroča pojav sluzi in vlažnosti (zaradi slabe cirkulacije tekočin)

  3. Šibka ledvična qi energija, ki vodi do oviranega metabolizma tekočin in ustvarjanja vlažnosti

Zdravljenje pojava previsoke ravni holesterola s kitajskimi zelišči in akupunkturo

Glavni principi so:

  1. Regulacija qi in krvi, odstranitev staze Ta kombinacija je najprimernejša za paciente z dalj časa trajajočo in kronično boleznijo, težavami s koronarnimi srčnimi žilami, visokimi krvnim pritiskom, bolečino v prsih, astmo, občutkom otopelosti, vijoličnim jezikom in spremenljivim srčnim utripom. Posebna previdnost je potrebna pri pacientih, ki jemljejo zdravila proti nastajanju krvnih strdkov, prav tako pa naj se nekaj dni pred začetkom jemanja zelišč opravi krvni test oz. oceno koagulacije. Akupunkturne točke: Neiguan P‑6, Shanzhong REN‑17, Hegu L.I.‑4, Taichong LIV‑3, Yanglingquan GB‑34.

  2. Odstranjevanje sluzi Ta tehnika bo primerna za vse, ki trpijo zaradi debelosti, utrujenosti in potrtosti, neprijetnosti do te mere, da v prsih občutijo bolečino, slabosti/bruhanja, otrplosti in občutka težkih okončin, imajo na jeziku rumeno, lepljivo oblogo in spremenljiv ali šibek srčni utrip. Akupunkturne točke: Fenglong ST‑40, Taibai SP‑3, Yinlingquan SP‑ 9, Shuifen REN‑9, Neiguan P‑ 6.

  3. Krepitev vranične qi energije in preceditev vlažnosti Simptomi in znaki: prekomerna telesna teža, šibkost in občutek težkih okončin, pomanjkanje apetita, vodenica oz. edema, občutek polnosti in napihnjenosti, nagibanje k uhajanju blata, bela in mastna obloga na jeziku, šibek srčni utrip. Akupunkturne točke: Sanyinjiao SP‑6, Yinlingquan SP‑9, Zusanli ST‑36, Zhongwan REN‑12.

  4. Čiščenje vlažne vročine iz jeter in žolčnika Simptomi in znaki: bolečine in otekanje hipohondrija in prsi, grenak okus v ustih, pomanjkanje apetita, pičle količine temnega urina, spremenljiv in hiter srčni utrip, rdeč jezik z rumeno in lepljivo oblogo. Akupunkturne točke: Xingjian LIV‑2, Ququan LIV‑8, Yanglingquan GB‑34, Yinglingquan SP‑9, Quchi LI‑11.

Proučevanje primera

Ženska, stara 24 let, študentka, vegetarijanka od 10. leta starosti. Oče in mati trpita za hiperholesterolemijo. Prvič je bila diagnosticirana za visoko raven holesterola pred sedmimi leti, in sicer z 487mg/dL (~5.5 mmol/L). Zavrnila je zdravljenje z zdravili.

Druga težava:

Migrene se pojavljajo enkrat tedensko, spremljata pa jih fotofobija in utripajoča bolečina, ki se začne v predelu Sizhukong SJ‑23 in se nato širi po celi glavi. Poleg tega se ji v glavi zvrti, ko hitro vstane, ima suhe ustnice in suho kožo. Prav tako je občutljiva na mraz in ima mrzle okončine. Redna menstruacija s krvnimi strdki s ciklom vsakih 28 dni. Ta bolečina se je pojavila, odkar je začela z jemanjem kontracepcijskih tabletk, prav tako nihanje razpoloženja in občutek otečenosti pred menstruacijo. Blato izloča redno na dva dni. Pogosto hodi urinirat. Bolečina in otrdelost v vratu ter ramenih. Srčni utrip je močan, hiter in spremenljiv. Jezik je tanek, nekoliko suh in rdeč, obloga debela.

Diagnoza: porast jetrne jang energije in slabokrvnost.

Strategija zdravljenja: regulacija jeter, čiščenje jetrne vročine in umiritev jang energije, okrepitev vranice in krvi.


  • Chai Hu (Bupleuri Radix) 1.5

  • Bai Shao (Paeoniae Radix alba) 4.5

  • Fu Ling (Poria) 4.5

  • Dang Gui (Angelicae sinensis Radix) 9

  • Sheng Di Huang (Rehmanniae Radix) 15

  • Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 1.5

  • Jue Ming Zi (Cassiae Semen) 2

  • Tian Ma (Gastrodiae Rhizoma) 4.5

  • Gou Teng (Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis) 3

  • Dan Shen (Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix) 4.5

  • Shan Zha (Crataegi Fructus) 4.5

Zeliščno mešanico je kot koncentriran prah v dnevnih odmerkih 6g jemala 5 mesecev. V tem času se je zmanjšala pogostost in intenzivnost migren.

Vir: Journal of Chinese Medicine • št. 89 • februar 2009


Cholesterol and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Part 2 of 2 treatment and case study

This article will analyse the energetic nature of cholesterol from a number of different angles, and will try to unite them to create a uniform picture of the best ways to diagnose and treat hypercholesterolemia.

It is important to emphasise that cholesterol is a part of normal body physiology and therefore is considered to be a part of zheng Qi (normal). Only when it is in excess does it become xie Qi (pathological).

Pathological nature of high cholesterol in the view of TCM

Excessive toxins:

  1. Damp heat in the Liver and the Gallbladder

  2. Stagnation of Liver Qi and of Heart blood

  3. Turbid phlegm obstruction in the channels

  4. Heart blood stasis [Read more about how TCM helps with blood deficiency]

Weakness of systems:

  1. Deficiency of Kidney and Liver Water energy which causes the normal water getting too viscous and stick inside the water channels and blood vessels

  2. Weakness of the Spleen Qi (circulation power) which cause phlegm and dampness (poorly circulated fluids)

  3. Weakness of the Kidney Qi that leads to impairment of fluid metabolism and the creation of dampness.

Treatment of cholesterol by Chinese herbs and acupuncture

The main principles are:

  1. Regulating Qi and blood, removing stasis This combination is most suitable for patients with prolonged and chronic illness, problems in the coronary blood vessels, high blood pressure, chest pain, asthma, numbness, purple tongue and choppy pulse. Care should be taken with patients who take blood thinners, and blood tests for coagulation levels should be made a few days after they begin taking the herbs. Acupuncture points: Neiguan P‑6, Shanzhong REN‑17, Hegu L.I.‑4, Taichong LIV‑3, Yanglingquan GB‑34.

  2. Drain phlegm This technique will be appropriate for those who suffer from obesity, fatigue and heaviness, discomfort to the point of having pain in the chest, nausea/vomiting, numbness and heaviness of the limbs, tongue with yellow sticky coating, choppy or soft pulse. Acupuncture points: Fenglong ST‑40, Taibai SP‑3, Yinlingquan SP‑ 9, Shuifen REN‑9, Neiguan P‑ 6.

  3. Strengthening the Spleen qi and leaching out dampness Symptoms and signs: excess weight, weakness and heaviness in the limbs, lack of appetite, oedema, fullness and flatulence, tendency to loose stool, tongue with white greasy coating, weak pulse. Acupuncture points: Sanyinjiao SP‑6, Yinlingquan SP‑9, Zusanli ST‑36, Zhongwan REN‑12.

  4. Clearing damp heat from the Liver and Gall Bladder Symptoms and signs: aching and swelling of hypochondrium and the chest, bitter taste in the mouth, lack of appetite, scanty dark urine, choppy and rapid pulse, red tongue with yellow and sticky coating. Acupuncture points: Xingjian LIV‑2, Ququan LIV‑8, Yanglingquan GB‑34, Yinglingquan SP‑9, Quchi L.I.‑11.

Case study

Female, 24 years of age, student, vegetarian since the age of 10. The father and mother suffer from hypercholesterolemia. A total cholesterol 487mg/dL (~5.5 mmol/L) was diagnosed for the first time seven years ago. She refuses to receive pharmacotherapy.

Secondary complaint:

Migraines once a week, accompanied by photophobia and pain beginning in the region of Sizhukong SJ‑23 and expanding to the whole head. The pain has a beating character. In addition: dizziness when getting up quickly, dryness in the lips and dry skin. There is a sensitivity to cold and cold at the extremities. Regular menstruation every 28 days, accompanied by blood clots. Since she started taking the contraceptive pill pain appeared, as well as mood swings and a swelling sensation prior to menstruation. Defecation once every two days - regular. Frequent urination. Pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders. Pulse ‑ wiry, rapid and choppy. Tongue: thin, a bit dry, sides thin and red, coating rather thick.

Diagnosis: Liver yang rising and blood deficiency.

Treatment strategy: regulate the Liver, clear Liver heat and anchor yang, tonify Spleen and blood.


  • Chai Hu (Bupleuri Radix) 1.5

  • Bai Shao (Paeoniae Radix alba) 4.5

  • Fu Ling (Poria) 4.5

  • Dang Gui (Angelicae sinensis Radix) 9

  • Sheng Di Huang (Rehmanniae Radix) 15

  • Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix) 1.5

  • Jue Ming Zi (Cassiae Semen) 2

  • Tian Ma (Gastrodiae Rhizoma) 4.5

  • Gou Teng (Uncariae Ramulus cum Uncis) 3

  • Dan Shen (Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix) 4.5

  • Shan Zha (Crataegi Fructus) 4.5

The formula was taken as concentrated powder at a dosage of 6 grams per day for five months during which time there was a decrease in the frequency of migraines and their intensity.

Source of information: Journal of Chinese Medicine • Number 89 • February 2009

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