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Kako zdraviti zaprtje z akupunkturo in TKM

Writer's picture: Aku EnergijaAku Energija

Akupunktura lajša kronično zaprtje ter po znanstvenih študijah in kliničnih preskušanjih prinaša boljše dolgoročne rezultate kot zdravila. Raziskovalci z Univerze za tradicionalno kitajsko medicino v Chengduju ugotavljajo, da akupunktura učinkovito lajša zaprtje. Akupunktura v kombinaciji z zeliščnimi zdravili namreč lajša zaprtje pri starejših in kaže boljše rezultate zdravljenja bolnikov kot farmacevtska zdravila. Akupunktura in zelišča povzročajo zelo nizko stopnjo ponovitve bolezni. [1]

Razumevanje zaprtosti

Zaprtje (bian bi 便秘) je težava pri odvajanju blata, daljši časovni presledki med odvajanjem blata ali želja po odvajanju blata, ne da bi to lahko delno ali v celoti storili. Blato je lahko trdo, suho in podobno kamenčkom. To je zelo pogosta težava. Vsako leto svojega zdravnika obišče na milijone ljudi, ki iščejo zdravljenje zaprtja. Ljudje vseh starosti - otroci, odrasli in starejši - lahko trpijo zaradi počasne prebave in trdega blata.

Simptomi zaprtja lahko vključujejo:

  • suho, trdo blato

  • iztrebljanje manj kot trikrat tedensko

  • težko in/ali boleče iztrebljanje

  • napihnjen trebuh

  • krči v trebuhu

  • slabost

Zaprtje je lahko za nekatere ljudi trdovraten in zmeden izziv. Kadar ima nekdo manj kot tri iztrebljanja na teden, ne da bi bila vzrok za to bolezen ali zdravila, je ta težava znana kot kronično hudo funkcionalno zaprtje (CSFC - chronic severe functional constipation).

Vzroki zaprtja

Zaprtje se lahko občasno pojavi zaradi kratkotrajnih okoliščin. Veliko ljudi doživi začasno zaprtje, ko so na potovanju in uporabljajo neznane kopalnice. Če jeste hrano, ki je za vas neobičajna ali vsebuje malo vlaknin, ste dehidrirani, več dni niste bili telesno aktivni - vse te okoliščine lahko povzročijo počasno izločanje. Navada uporabe odvajal in drugih zdravil za zaprtje brez recepta lahko na žalost ohrani to ponavljajoče stanje ter privede do stalnega, kroničnega zaprtja.

Treba je gledati več kot le črevesje

Na rednost odvajanja blata lahko vplivajo tudi duševna stanja, kot sta depresija in tesnoba. Sindrom razdražljivega črevesja (IBS), ki velja za funkcionalno motnjo prebavil, pogosto vključuje občasno zaprtje (ali drisko).

Kronično zaprtje ali hudo zaprtje ima lahko številne vzroke. Včasih je zaprtje lahko posledica črevesne zapore ali nečesa, kar fizično blokira črevo.

Stanja, ki povzročajo poškodbe živcev, lahko motijo signale, ki sporočajo mišicam debelega črevesa, naj se premikajo. To so lahko:

Zaprtje lahko povzroči tudi hormonsko neravnovesje ali nihanje. S hormoni povezana stanja, ki lahko povzročijo zaprtje, so:

Naravno zdravljenje zaprtja z akupunkturo in kitajskimi zelišči

Akupunktura je lahko primeren način zdravljenja za ljudi s kroničnim hudim funkcionalnim zaprtjem (CSFC). Na splošno se zdravljenje zaprtja po metodi TKM osredotoča na pomoč pri vnosu več vlage v debelo črevo in odstranitvi toplote, hkrati pa aktivira qi (energijo) črevesja ter odstranjuje fizične in energetske blokade.

Profesor Han Jing Xuan z Univerze Tianjin za TKM je vzpostavil protokol z uporabo akupunkturne metode Sanjiao in tradicionalnega zeliščnega izvlečka Huang Di San. Raziskoval je učinke akupunkture in tradicionalnega zeliščnega zdravila na zaprtje pri starejših. Ugotovil je, da je kombinacija obeh metod TKM učinkovitejši protokol zdravljenja zaprtja pri starejših kot cisaprid, običajno farmacevtsko zdravilo. Zdravljenje s TKM je bilo 100% učinkovito, medtem ko je bilo gastroprokinetično zdravilo cisaprid učinkovito le 94,83%.

Hrana za lajšanje zaprtja

TKM navaja tudi, da dolgotrajno uživanje grenke in hladne hrane škoduje vranici in želodcu, upočasnjuje obnavljanje qi-ja in krvi ter slabi peristaltične gibe, kar vpliva na sposobnost odvajanja blata. Veliko ljudi, ki trpijo zaradi zaprtja, nima dovolj mikrobiote ali "dobrih bakterij" v debelem črevesu. Akupunktura in zelišča lahko pomagajo izboljšati črevesni biom. Pri dolgoročnem zdravljenju zaprtja imajo ključno vlogo prilagoditve prehrane.

Katere akupresurne točke pomagajo pri zaprtju?

Akupresura za lajšanje zaprtja se izvaja z masažo in stimulacijo naslednjih akupresurnih točk za vetrove in zaprtje:

Debelo črevo (LI4)

Debelo črevo ali He Gu, združena dolina, je akupresurna točka, ki se nahaja na dlani na področju med palcem in kazalcem. Nahaja se na mestu, kjer se ločita kosti kazalca in palca.

Ta akupresurna točka močno vpliva na pretok qi-ja in pomaga pri odpravljanju zaprtja, zlasti zaradi stresa. Med nosečnostjo se raje izogibajte uporabi te akupresurne točke za zaprtje, saj lahko izzove porod.

Za uporabo teh akupresurnih točk za zaprtje sledite spodaj navedenim korakom:

  • S palcem ali kazalcem ene roke poiščite mehki del mreže med palcem in kazalcem druge roke.

  • Nežno pritisnite to točko in jo minut krožno masirajte, nato pa to ponovite na drugi roki.

Želodec (ST25)

Želodec, imenovan tudi Tianshu, je še ena akupresurna točka za zaprtje, ki je zelo koristna. Ta točka se nahaja na obeh straneh popka. Dobro deluje pri zdravljenju bolečin v trebuhu in zaprtju ter pri izboljšanju prebave.

Za uporabo teh akupresurnih točk za zaprtje sledite spodaj navedenim korakom:

  • Začnite tako, da izmerite dve širini prsta ali 2 do 3 centimetre levo od popka.

  • Ko najdete točko, jo za nekaj sekund pritisnite, nato pa začnite minuto ali dve s prstom krožiti v smeri urinega kazalca.

  • Ko končate, ponovite tudi na drugi strani.

Vranica (SP15)

Vranica pomaga pri regulaciji črevesja in spodbuja gibanje peristaltike. SP15 je dobra akupresurna točka za lajšanje zaprtja in hemoroidov.

Za uporabo akupresurnih točk SP15 za zaprtje in hemoroide sledite spodnjim korakom:

  • Akupresurna točka vranice leži obojestransko, skoraj štiri prste narazen na obeh straneh popka.

  • Ko sta točki locirani, začnite s pritiskom na eno stran, npr. na levo stran, s kazalcem, palcem ali členki prstov, in med pritiskanjem izvajajte krožne gibe. To počnite minuto ali dve.

  • Ko to storite, ponovite enako na drugi akupresurni točki ( na desni strani).

Ledvica (KI6)

Ledvica je akupresurna točka za zaprtje, ki se nahaja pod notranjim delom gleženjske kosti. Ta akupresurna točka za zaprtje deluje tako, da spodbuja gibanje črevesja in tako lajša zaprtje.

Sledite spodnjim korakom, da si z akupresurno točko ledvic (KI6) za zaprtje olajšate težave:

  • Pritisnite točko, ki se nahaja pod notranjo gleženjsko kostjo enega stopala.

  • Pritiskajte na to točko s krožnimi gibi približno eno do tri minute, nato enako storite na drugem stopalu.

Želodec (ST36)

Želodec ali Zusanli je močna akupresurna točka v telesu. To akupresurno točko za zaprtje najdete pod pogačicami na razdalji širine štirih prstov in okoli enega prsta proti zunanjemu robu. Je močna točka za zdravljenje prebavnih težav, kot so zaprtje, vetrovi, driska, napihnjenost in bolečine v trebuhu.

Za uporabo te akupresurne točke za zaprtje sledite spodaj navedenim korakom:

  • Začnite tako, da dva prsta položite na točko ST36 in s krožnimi gibi pritiskate nanjo.

  • To počnite nekaj sekund, nato ponovite na drugi strani.

Vranica (SP6)

Točka SP6 je znana tudi kot Sanyinjiao. Ta akupresurna točka za zaprtje se nahaja nad zgornjim delom notranjega dela gležnja v širini 4 prstov. Ta akupresurna točka je odlična za zdravljenje zaprtja, napihnjenosti, prebavnih motenj in vetrov.

Za uporabo akupresurne točke Vranica 6 (SP6) za zaprtje sledite spodnjim korakom:

  • Za lajšanje zaprtja poiščite akupresurno točko SP6, pritiskajte nanjo ter jo masirajte v smeri urinega kazalca.

  • Med izvajanjem pritiska izdihnite, med sproščanjem pa vdihnite. To počnite nekaj minut.

Žila spočetja (CV6)

Znana tudi kot Qihai, Ren ali Morje qi-ja, je akupresurna točka za zaprtje, ki se nahaja pod popkom, na razdalji približne širine treh prstov. Ta akupresurna točka pomaga pri odpravljanju zaprtja, vetrov, prebavnih motenj in napihnjenosti.

Za uporabo te akupresurne točke pri zaprtju sledite spodaj navedenim korakom:

  • Poiščite akupresurno točko pod popkom in jo pritisnite s prstom.

  • Na tej točki izvajajte gibe v smeri urinega kazalca in to počnite nekaj minut.


  1. Xiao Wu, Cuihong Zheng, Xiaohu Xu, Pei Ding, Fan Xiong, Man Tian, Ying Wang, Haoxu Dong, Mingmin Zhang, Wei Wang, Shabei Xu, Minjie Xie, Guangying Huang, "Electroacupuncture for Functional Constipation: A Multicenter, Randomized, Control Trial", Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2017, Article ID 1428943, 10 pages, 2017.


How to Treat Constipation With Acupuncture and TCM

Acupuncture relieves chronic constipation and produces greater long-term patient outcomes than drugs according to scientific studies and clinical trials. Researchers from the Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine find acupuncture effective for constipation relief. In fact, acupuncture combined with herbal medicine relieves constipation in the elderly and demonstrates superior patient outcomes to pharmaceutical medications. Acupuncture plus herbs produce a very low relapse rate. [1]

Understanding constipation

Constipation (bian bi 便秘) is difficulty in passing stools, prolonged intervals between stools, or a desire to defecate without the ability to do so partially or completely. The stools may be hard, dry and pebble like. It is a very common problem. Millions of people see their doctor seeking constipation treatment every year. People of all ages—children, adults, and older people—can suffer from slow digestion and hard bowel movements.

Symptoms of constipation can include:

  • Dry, hard stool

  • Having less than three bowel movements per week

  • Bowel movements are difficult and/or painful

  • Bloated stomach

  • Abdominal cramps

  • Nausea

Constipation can be a persistent and confusing challenge for some people. When someone has fewer than 3 bowel movements per week without an underlying condition or medication as the reason for the infrequency, the problem is known as chronic severe functional constipation (CSFC).

Causes for constipation

Constipation can occasionally occur due to short-term circumstances. Many people experience temporary constipation while they are on a trip and using unfamiliar bathrooms. Eating foods that are unusual for you or low in fiber, becoming dehydrated, not getting any physical activity for several days—these situations could all cause sluggish elimination. Using laxatives and other over-the-counter constipation remedies as a habit can, unfortunately, perpetuate the cycle and lead to ongoing, chronic constipation.

Look beyond just the bowels

Mental health conditions like depression and anxiety can also affect regularity. IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), which is considered a functional gastrointestinal disorder, often involves periodic constipation (or diarrhea).

Chronic constipation or severe constipation can have many causes. Sometimes constipation can be caused by a bowel obstruction, or something physically blocking the intestine.

Conditions that cause damage to nerves may disrupt the signals that tell the muscles of the colon to move. These could include:

Hormonal imbalances or fluctuations can also lead to constipation. Hormone-related conditions that could contribute to constipation include:

Natural healing of constipation with acupuncture and Chinese herbs

Acupuncture may be a treatment option for people with chronic severe functional constipation (CSFC). In general, TCM constipation treatment will focus on helping to bring more moisture into the colon and clear heat, while activating the Qi (energy) of the bowel and removing physical and energetic blockages.

Professor Han Jing Xuan from Tianjin University of TCM established a protocol using the Sanjiao acupuncture method and the traditional herbal decoction Huang Di San. He investigated the effects of acupuncture and traditional herbal medicine on constipation in the elderly. It was determined that the combination of both TCM modalities is a more effective constipation in the elderly treatment protocol than cisapride, a conventional pharmaceutical medication. TCM was 100% effective, while the gastroprokinetic agent cisapride had a 94.83% efficacy rate.

Food for relieving constipation

TCM also states that long-term consumption of bitter and chilled foods damage the spleen and stomach, slows Qi and blood replenishment, and ultimately weakens peristaltic movements thereby affecting the ability to evacuate feces. Many people who suffer from constipation don’t have enough microbiota or “good bacteria” in their colon. Acupuncture and herbs can help to improve the gut biome. Dietary adjustments play a crucial role in the long term cure of constipation.

What are some of the acupressure points for constipation?

Acupressure for relieving constipation is done by massaging and stimulating the following acupressure points for gas and constipation:

Large Intestine (LI4)

The large intestine, or He Gu, union valley, is an acupressure point found on the hand situated in the web between the thumb and the index finger. It is found at the point where the bones of the index finger and thumb separate.

This acupressure point greatly affects the qi flow and helps relieve constipation, especially due to stress. Avoid using this acupressure point for constipation during pregnancy as it can induce labour.

To use these acupressure points for constipation, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • With the thumb or index finger of your one hand, locate the soft part of the web between the thumb and the index finger of the other hand.

  • Gently press this point and move in a circle for a few minutes and repeat on the other hand.

Stomach (ST25)

The stomach, also called Tianshu, is another acupressure point for constipation that is highly beneficial. This point is situated on either side of the belly button. It works well in treating abdominal pain and constipation and improving digestion.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to use these acupressure points for constipation:

  • Begin by measuring two finger widths or 2 to 3 inches to the left of your belly button.

  • Once the point is located, press this point for a couple of seconds and then start making circles in a clockwise direction for a minute or two.

  • Once done, repeat on the other side as well.

Spleen (SP15)

The spleen helps in the regulation of the intestine and causes stimulation of the peristalsis movement. Spleen 15 makes for a good acupressure point for constipation and piles relief.

Follow the steps below to use these SP15 acupressure points for constipation and piles.

  • The spleen acupressure point lies bilaterally, almost four finger widths apart on either side of the belly button.

  • Once the points are located, begin by putting pressure on one side, i.e., the left side, with the index finger, thumb, or knuckles, and move in a circular motion while adding pressure. Do this for a minute or two.

  • Once done, repeat the same on the other pressure point (right side).

Kidney (KI6)

The kidney is an acupressure point for constipation that can be found below the inner region of the ankle bone. This acupressure point for constipation works by inducing bowel movements to relieve constipation.

Follow the steps below to get relief by using the kidney (KI6) acupressure points for constipation:

  • Press the point situated beneath the inner ankle bone of one foot.

  • Put pressure with circular movement on this point, hold it for about one to three minutes, and do the same for the other foot.

Stomach (ST36)

The stomach or Zusanli, is a powerful acupressure point in the body. This acupressure point for constipation can be found below the knee caps at a distance of around 3 inches and around one finger towards the outer edge. It is a strong point for treating digestive problems like constipation, gas, diarrhoea, bloating, and pain in the abdomen.

To use this acupressure point for constipation, follow the steps given below:

  • Begin by placing two fingers on the stomach points and putting pressure over it in a circular motion.

  • Do this for a couple of seconds and repeat on the other side.

Spleen (SP6)

Spleen 6 is also known as Sanyinjiao. This acupressure point for constipation is found above the top region of the inside of the ankle at 3 widths. This acupressure point is excellent for treating constipation, bloating, indigestion, and gas.

Follow the steps below to use the Spleen 6 (SP6) acupressure points for constipation:

  • To relieve constipation, locate the SP6 acupressure point and apply pressure over it while massaging it in a clockwise movement.

  • While applying pressure, exhale, and while releasing, inhale. Do this for a couple of minutes.

Conception vessel (CV6)

Also known as Qihai, Ren, or Sea of Qi, it is an acupressure point for constipation situated at the umbilicus, below the belly button, at a distance of around three finger widths. This acupressure point helps relieve constipation, gas, indigestion, and bloating.

To use this acupressure point for constipation, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Locate the acupressure point below the belly button and press it with your finger.

  • Make clockwise movements on this point and do it for a few minutes.


  1. Xiao Wu, Cuihong Zheng, Xiaohu Xu, Pei Ding, Fan Xiong, Man Tian, Ying Wang, Haoxu Dong, Mingmin Zhang, Wei Wang, Shabei Xu, Minjie Xie, Guangying Huang, "Electroacupuncture for Functional Constipation: A Multicenter, Randomized, Control Trial", Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2017, Article ID 1428943, 10 pages, 2017.


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