Obstajajo številne dermatološke težave, ki jim lahko pristop kitajske medicine pomaga, med drugim hormonske cistične akne, avtoimunski ekcemi in psoriaza ter številne druge. Te težave povzročajo različna hormonska neravnovesja, ki jih povzroči stres, prehranske težave pa v telesu ustvarjajo strupe. [Preberi več: Ekcem, psoriaza, dermatitis: Zdravljenje kožnih bolezni s TKM]
Kožo je mogoče očistiti že z nekaj spremembami prehranskih navad. V skladu z načeli kitajske medicine sta kožna rdečica in srbečica posledica nenadzorovane ognjene energije, oteklost pa se pojavi zaradi vlažnih strupov. Zdravljenje s TKM kot npr. zeliščna zdravila in akunpunktura nedvomno igra pomembno vlogo v globokem čiščenju ter ponovni vzpostavitvi motenega notranjega ravnovesja, pravilna prehrana pa je skoraj nujna za dobro kožo. Situacija je podobna, kot če mama doma čisti hišo – takrat je zadnja stvar, ki si jo želi, da bi hišo nekdo še bolj razmetal in vanjo prinesel še več smeti. S prilagoditvijo prehrane lahko zmanjšate količino strupov, ki se nabirajo v telesu, in spodbudite naravno čiščenje. Danes bi rada omenila nekaj preprostih receptov, ki so koristni za kožo. [Preberi več: Akupunktura na LI 11 bi lahko zmanjšala srbečico in kožne spremembe zaradi atopičnega dermatitisa] [Preberi več: Vaše telo je ekosistem, ne stroj] [Preberi več: TKM prehranski nasveti]
Izogibajte se hrani z naravo »Fa«
V kitajščini »Fa« pomeni silovit. Hrana z naravo »Fa« razvname notranje strupe, kar se pokaže na koži. Stimulira patogene dejavnike, ustvari disharmonije in poslabša vnetna stanja. Ta so škodljiva za kožne bolezni ter povzročajo nastanek odvečnih brazgotin, alergij, tumorjev in raka.
Živila, kot so cimet, čili, paprika, arašidi, jagnjetina, piščanec, rafiniran sladkor, bela moka, ocvrta hrana in hrana na žaru, imajo v sebi močno ognjeno energijo. Če imate rdečo in srbečo kožo, se tem živilom raje izognite. Ognjena energija v telesu ostane le, če je tam tudi vlaga, zato se je dobro izogibati živilom, ki povzročajo vlago. To so zelo gost sladkor ali sladkarije, mlečni izdelki, hladna ali surova živila, tropsko sadje (mango, ananas, durian, avokado, liči), jagodičevje, alkohol, čokolada in lupinarji. [Preberi več: Hrano je potrebno skuhati – tradicionalna kitajska medicina pojasni prebavni sistem]
Se ta živila zdijo tako splošna in vsakodnevna? To delno pojasni vse večje število bolezni na razvitih območjih, saj nam sodobna prehrana prinaša preveč hranilnih vrednosti, zato strupi v telesu kar kipijo.
Živila, ki jih je priporočeno uživati
Kuhana zelena zelenjava
Zelo žalostno je, da je izbira zelene zelenjave v Sloveniji TAKO OMEJENA. Ko sem še živela v Hongkongu, je bila izbira vsaj desetkrat večja. Če imate svoj zelenjavni vrt, lahko na njem posadite ali kot zelenjavo uporabljate naslednje:
pak choi – očisti ledvični sistem
mladi listi goji jagod – očistijo jetrni sistem
mladi listi graha – očistijo vranični sistem
mladi listi sladkega krompirja – očistijo vranični sistem
mladi listi čilija – očistijo črevesni sistem
Pripravite jih lahko z blanširanjem ali jih na hitro popražite, saj lahko surova zelenjava škodi želodčnemu ognju in upočasni prebavo, kar povzroči nabiranje strupov. Če nimate težav s kožo, jim lahko celo dodate nekaj lističev ingverja.
Izkoristite zgodnjo pomlad in naberite regratove liste. Regrat je splošno zelišče, primerno za zdravljenje aken ali drugih vnetnih stanj. Učinek čiščenja je močnejši, če utrgate celo mlado rastlino s korenino vred. Če imate dolgotrajne težave z rdečo in srbečo kožo, lahko regrat naberete v sezoni, ga posušite ter ga uporabljate po potrebi. Njegov okus sicer ni najboljši, če ga utrgamo s korenino, zato lahko iz njega tudi skuhate koncentrirani sok, ki ga namažete na prizadete dele kože.
Mungo fižol in juha iz alg
Mungo fižol dobro čisti kožo. Tudi kalčke mungo fižola, ki so na voljo v nekaterih supermarketih, lahko uživate kot zelenjavo. Mungo fižol in juha iz alg se lahko jesta sladka ali slana. Za sladko različico peščico fižola in 10 gramov alg kuhajte eno uro ter ju nato začinite z rjavim sladkorjem. Slovencem se sladek fižol pogosto zdi nenavaden, zato se boste verjetno odločili za slano različico. Uporabite enaki sestavini, dodajte nekaj svinjine in soje ter vse skupaj kuhajte kot juho, ki jo kasneje začinite s soljo. [Preberi več: Japonska prehrana - zakaj tako dobra za vaše zdravje]
Riževa kaša s čebulico lilije
Ta jed je bolj kot za čiščenje primerna za vlaženje kože. Lilija odlično nahrani pljučni sistem, ki je v skladu s teorijo TKM odgovoren za kožo. Riž zagotavlja energijo Qi in izboljšuje delovanje želodca, zato je dobava energije v kožo boljša. [Oglejte si naš video o kuhanju riževe kaše]
Olupek lubenice
Zakaj bi uporabili olupek, če je že sama lubenica odlična osvežitev? V skladu s teorijo TKM verjamemo, da imajo podobne strukture podobno energijo. Olupek je koža sadja, zato ga lahko bolje povežemo s kožnimi boleznimi. Olupek lubenice lahko preprosto uporabite kot masko na prizadetem delu kože. Lahko tudi izrežete beli del in ga kuhate 30 minut, nato pa ga začinite z rafiniranim sladkorjem in ga spijete kot pijačo. Zaradi diuretičnega in hladilnega učinka pozitivno vpliva na vnetje sečil. [Preberi več: Temelji prehrane in zeliščarstva TKM (1/4)- Štiri narave]
Chinese Medicine Dietetics For Acne
There are a wide range of dermatological issues that can benefit from the Chinese Medicine approach, including issues ranging from hormonal cystic acne, to autoimmune-induced eczema and psoriasis and everything in between. These issues are induced by a range of hormonal imbalances caused by stress, and also dietary issues that create toxicity in the body. [Read more: Eczema, Psoriasis, Dermatitis: Treating Skin Conditions with TCM]
A few changes in the diet help to clear the skin. According to Chinese Medicine principles, skin redness and itchiness is a reflection of uncontrolled fire energy and the swelling is due to dampness toxin. TCM therapeutics like herbal remedies and acupuncture for no doubt play an important part in deep cleaning and restarting the disturbed internal balance, a correct diet is almost just critical in the skin management. Just like when your mom is cleaning up your home, the last thing she wants is someone creating more mess and bringing in more trash. By adjusting your diet, you can reduce new toxin building up and facilitate the natural cleansing. Today, I’d like to review simple recipes that benefit the skin. [Read more: Acupressure at LI 11 May Reduce Itching and Skin Changes With Atopic Dermatitis] [Read more: Your Body as a Garden] [Read more: TCM Dietary Advice]
Avoid Food with a “Fa” nature
“Fa” in Chinese means eruptive. Foods with a “Fa” nature would flare up the internal toxin and show on the skin. It stimulates pathogenic factors, creates disharmonies and exacerbate inflammatory conditions. They have a deleterious effect on skin disorders, excessive scar formation, allergies, tumors and cancer.
Food such as cinnamon, chili, peppers, peanuts, lamb, chicken, refined sugar, white flour, deep-fried and grilled food carry strong fire energy. If you have red and itchy skin, you should avoid them. The fire energy only stay in the body when there are dampness, so damp creating food like very dense sugar or sweet, dairy products, cold or raw items, tropical fruits (mango, pineapple, durian, avocado, litchi), berries, alcohol, chocolate and seafood with shell are something to avoid. [Read more: Cook your food - digestive system explained in Traditional Chinese medicine]
These food sound so common and ordinary right? This kind of explains the soring number of “developed area diseases” because the modern diet brings too much nutrition to us and end up overflowing as toxin.
Do eat these
Cooked green vegetables
It is so sad that the variety of green vegetables is SO LIMITED in Slovenia. Back at the time when I was in Hong Kong, I had at least 10 times more variety. If you have your own vegetable garden, here are something you can grow or utilize as vegetables:
Bok Choy - cleans up Lung system
Young Goji leaves - clean up Liver system
Young Pea leaves - clean up Spleen system
Young sweet potato leaves - clean up Spleen system
Young chili leaves - clean up intestine system
Remember to gently cook them with quick boiling or stir fry because raw vegetables could harm the stomach fire and slow down congestion which lead to toxin accumulation. If you do not have skin problem, it is even better to cook with a few slices of ginger.
Utilize the early springtime and pick dandelion leaves. Dandelion is a common herb for acne or other inflammatory condition. The cleaning effect is stronger if you pick the whole young plant with root. If you have long term skin redness and itchiness problem, you may pick the dandelion during the season and dry it on the hay rack and use it when necessary. The taste is not the most favoring when taken with root, so you may also cook a high concentrate juice to put on your affected skin.
Mung beans and seaweed soup
Mung beans have good cleaning power. You can also eat the mung bean sprout as vegetables, it is available at some supermarket. Mung beans and seaweed soup can be eaten sweet or salty. For sweet version, put a handful of mung beans and 10 gram of seaweed and cook for 1 hour, then season with brown sugar. I often have a comment that Slovenian find sweet beans weird, so you might switch to the salty version. Same ingredient and some pork and soy cook together as a soup and season with salt. [Read more: The Japanese Diet And Why It Is Good For Health]
Lily bulb rice congee
This works better for moisturizing than cleaning. Lily is very good at nourishing the Lung system which in the TCM theory doctrine the skin. Rice provides Qi energy and improves Stomach function therefore better supply of energy to the skin. [Watch our rice congee cooking video]
Watermelon peel
Why use the peel when watermelon itself is already a good cooling fruit? In the TCM theory, we believe similar structure share similar energy. The peel is the skin of the fruit, so it could connect with the skin condition better. To use the watermelon peel, you can simple use it as a mask on your affect skin, or, cut out the white part and cook for 30 minutes and season with rock sugar as a daily drink. This is also good for urinary tract infection because of its diuretic and cooling effect. [Read more: Foundation of TCM dietary and herbology (1/4)- Four natures]